Win 3.1 Skin


Mega Pandora mania
Jun 17, 2003
Taras's Incredible Win 3.1 Skin


Mmmm.... get some of that old-skool Windows on your GP2X!! Hark back to a happier time and get all these FANTASTIC features - free!:

- Looks exciting, is exciting
- Lets you pretend your GP2X is running Windows
- Confuse your enemies - impress your friends!
- Friendlier interface than the default one! In real English!,0,0,0,52,1105
Photo of skin in action

Its nothing like my old computer. Mainly because it didnt even have a sound card so it couldnt play music :P
NB. I just updated the file, the music player "window" in the old version had faint traces of playlist etc. due to masking issues. It's fixed now. Sorry about that... & thanks for nice comments :)
thats a nice idea to have text at the top telling what to do, be good for beginners or younger children / computer illiterate adults
I grabbing this one right now. I love it.

edit: Hmm I'm not sure why but this skin doesn't want to install for some reason.

edit 2: nevermind, I just remembered the NAND is RO :lol:
Taras's Incredible Win 3.1 Skin


Mmmm.... get some of that old-skool Windows on your GP2X!! Hark back to a happier time and get all these FANTASTIC features - free!:

- Looks exciting, is exciting
- Lets you pretend your GP2X is running Windows
- Confuse your enemies - impress your friends!
- Friendlier interface than the default one! In real English!

Download 3.1.rar (200 KB)
Photo of skin in action


That is great! Exciting even!! :) Nice work

Haven't seen Win 3.1 in quite a while. Does this have the battery "midum" spelling fix? ;)

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