'Gruso' said:
So you didn't notice that this thread was a year old? ;-)
Jonn's post looks interesting from a DIY point of view. Cute little motors. Not my cup of tea though.
I think God Ginrai's screen shake solution would actually work incredibly well, and is something that should be integrated into psx4pandora (as an option, of course) and hopefully into any upcoming N64 emu.
Why thank you.
'Mithrildor' said:
Screen shaking is totally awesome for a handheld device , but there should be an option to turn it off.
Isn't there always a way to turn Rumble off? Same idea. I want the emulators to be as customizable as possible, so even though it was my own idea, I would be unhappy if there wasn't a way to turn the emulated rumble off in the emulator.
And while I'm happy that people find my idea interesting, It just about makes me cry to see that someone resurrected a topic so old that it was about to hit the 1 year anniversary of its last post. -_-'
-God Ginrai