Smart media Reader/Writers


Still Fresh
Mar 3, 2003
Does anyone have a smart media reader/writer? Thinking of buying one and another couple of SM cards. Are they worth it, i.e. are they any quicker? Also which model did you get and where did you get it?
Oh man yes! They're MUCH faster, as well as you not having to mess sround putting the GP32 in transfer mode, and paying the price of a restart often if you forget....!

I found a good place to get them as cheap as hell is eBay.

Also, horror of horrors, if you just want a smartmedia reader and you;re in the UK, PC World does one for a tenner!

Cool, may well go for one then, and another couple of SM so I can have one for videos, one for games and one for MP3's. Bless the little machines versatility.
I got an USB SmartMedia Reader/Writer
Can write to SmartMedia faster than the GP32, ideal if you don't want to keep connecting your GP32 to the PC. 98/ME/2000/XP/Mac £14.99, from
It´s definitely worth it, it is not so much faster, but it is very easy to use (on XP and 2000 no extra drivers are needed), the reader writer works just like those usb portable memorykeychain drive thingies that you see advertized all over the place.
Plug it in and an extra drive letter is added to your explorer, works like a charm in Windows98 too, only you need to install some drivers that are on the cd that comes with the reader/writer on that older OS.
With help of the unpack utility you can also install software packages without having to connect the gp32 itself and use the gp32 linkup software.

I use both actually. But my smc reader writer a bit more for installing that extra atari st disk image, or that d64 tape or disk image.....

It´s a good buy, works nice from within explorer or windows commander (total commander). Especially if you have more sms´s you can continue playing your gp32 and still be busy copying files and organizing stuff on the other cards.

I bought a smc reader\writer off ebay - its the cheaper one(it looks yellow) and is commonly found on ebay - this does not support fat12 therefore you will not be able to read and write smcs in it.
Sorry --

But these do not work with the gp32 formatted smc cards - it cannot even read it
*** WARNING 2 ****

Yep, i bought a SMC reader/writer at the weekend and lastnight i was up for hours f@nnying about with it.

It does not seem to do any file conversion to FAT12.
(copies long filenames across along with a modified date)

I had very inconsistent results when using it, sometimes the files can be read just fine on the GP32, other times the files are invisible and the directory may be corrupt, and one time it trashed the whole SMC! :angry:

definately do some research before you buy! :(
So... will I be able to format the smc back to GP32 format with the GP32? I don't mind not being able to use the writer, I don't want to have ruined my SMC though... :unsure:
I ruined a SMC card lastnight, the pclink software would not recognize it, not even to format! :o

Piece of cr@p SMC writer! Grrrrr!

Anyway i ended up formatting the SMC using the writer which took over half an hour! after that it was usable again. <_<