will it be possible to add winblows xp embedded?

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Next time you make a topic, give it a good title. And make a proper post, people hate those short one question topics.

I think your talking about windows XP, and no that cant be ported without reverse engineering the whole thing. But we are able to get Windows CE (the windows version for ARM-architecture proccessors) working.
'Evan~NL' said:
Hello will it be possible to add winblows xp embedded ?
Windows XP Embedded is built for the x86 architecture, wheras the Pandora hardware is the ARM architecture. That said, Windows CE is built for a wide range of architectures, but I'm not sure if it would work. You've also go to understand, that any application you would want to run would have to be re-compiled for ARM.
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This topic comes up all the time, try using the search feature ;).
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'Butterman' said:
'Evan~NL' said:
Hello will it be possible to add winblows xp embedded ?
Windows XP Embedded is built for the x86 architecture, wheras the Pandora hardware is the ARM architecture. That said, Windows CE is built for a wide range of architectures, but I'm not sure if it would work. You've also go to understand, that any application you would want to run would have to be re-compiled for ARM.

And sometimes even re-written for parts.
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'Mithrildor' said:
'Butterman' said:
'Evan~NL' said:
Hello will it be possible to add winblows xp embedded ?

Windows XP Embedded is built for the x86 architecture, wheras the Pandora hardware is the ARM architecture. That said, Windows CE is built for a wide range of architectures, but I'm not sure if it would work. You've also go to understand, that any application you would want to run would have to be re-compiled for ARM.And sometimes even re-written for parts.At which point, the developers would be better off just compiling stuff with winelib so it runs on the default pandora OS.
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'sindbad' said:
'Mithrildor' said:
Hello will it be possible to add winblows xp embedded ?

Windows XP Embedded is built for the x86 architecture, wheras the Pandora hardware is the ARM architecture. That said, Windows CE is built for a wide range of architectures, but I'm not sure if it would work. You've also go to understand, that any application you would want to run would have to be re-compiled for ARM.And sometimes even re-written for parts.At which point, the developers would be better off just compiling stuff with winelib so it runs on the default pandora OS.

but Winelib is still only designed for x86 and can't handle the WinCE API, and it would still require a recompiled ARM port of the application. i have seen only one solution for running x86 Windows apps on the Pandora: the planned ARM port of ReactOS, they're working on a dynamic recompiler.
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but reactos is keeping his goals putting higher and higher everytime instead of realy finishing something... look at its roadmap.. in 2007 they where almost as far as now...

'Letalis Sonus' said:
'sindbad' said:
'Mithrildor' said:
Hello will it be possible to add winblows xp embedded ?

Windows XP Embedded is built for the x86 architecture, wheras the Pandora hardware is the ARM architecture. That said, Windows CE is built for a wide range of architectures, but I'm not sure if it would work. You've also go to understand, that any application you would want to run would have to be re-compiled for ARM.And sometimes even re-written for parts.At which point, the developers would be better off just compiling stuff with winelib so it runs on the default pandora OS.

but Winelib is still only designed for x86 and can't handle the WinCE API, and it would still require a recompiled ARM port of the application. i have seen only one solution for running x86 Windows apps on the Pandora: the planned ARM port of ReactOS, they're working on a dynamic recompiler.
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'Letalis Sonus' said:
'sindbad' said:
'Mithrildor' said:
Hello will it be possible to add winblows xp embedded ?
Windows XP Embedded is built for the x86 architecture, wheras the Pandora hardware is the ARM architecture. That said, Windows CE is built for a wide range of architectures, but I'm not sure if it would work. You've also go to understand, that any application you would want to run would have to be re-compiled for ARM.And sometimes even re-written for parts.At which point, the developers would be better off just compiling stuff with winelib so it runs on the default pandora OS.but Winelib is still only designed for x86 and can't handle the WinCE API, and it would still require a recompiled ARM port of the application. i have seen only one solution for running x86 Windows apps on the Pandora: the planned ARM port of ReactOS, they're working on a dynamic recompiler.I doubt there's anything for WinCE that has no equivalents. I had assumed the OP was thinking of running win32-x86 apps with that.

Winelib has very little dependency on x86 (and it could be eliminated).

The dynamic recompiler ReactOS is planning on is basically user-mode qemu afaik, which could be done for the pandora more easily/efficiently with wine + user-mode qemu, like the defunct Darwine project was doing.

The problem right now is that the Qemu user-mode doesn't work for ARM host, at least right now.
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'Evan~NL' said:
Hello will it be possible to add winblows xp embedded ?
Yeah go to www.microsoft.com/windowsXPsource4Kidz and you can use the "AutoMagical Compiler DELUXE." Set it into FULL PANDORA MODE and it'll download very quickly. Please make sure you have your router/modem in a fridge just in case things get sweaty.
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Xian Long said:
gp2.eXe said:
Wait... Your Win Blows XP?

come on man. i'm using windows xp right now.

LOL, I was kidding the OP... the XP was meant to be like XD but with tongue. :lol:

I'm using Vista, but just because I don't have XP anymore.

Edit: And the "no" was for answering the original question.
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Topic title changed, original kept in sub-topic title.

and I think the OP gets the picture by now.
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