wildog's posting spree

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LMFAO! A retard AND no sense of laws... This guy is like a clown but more filth mouthed and annoying.
Really? I don't think so :lol:

I guessing that your Mom has told you that she doesn't find you sexually attractive anymore :o
LOL What a Shame u registered to this Forum As Well... :lol: :lol: :lol: Whos Stupid now... Wildog says "I sent a Emial to Nintendo one of the biggest Console producers in the World and they replyed within a minute to me" HAHAHA You are an IDIOT (Wheres the link to that site when you want it :D)
Emulators and such cannot get the deep end of the law, only ROMs, comercial official roms

and your an idiot *nice one Crazeeplayer :D!*

edit: hey you never know, maybe that nintendo scans it's email for:
Animal sex with 12yo boys
your mom
This guy's email

With that he got the top of the list :D
Well, I suppose they are a bit stupid, but they made me laugh. No I am not that person, whoever they are (I am a bit too old for that kind of shanannigans).
(email removed due to request of board user, Not "TEH FBI OH NOS" XD)

May the signing up for horse pr0n, and the email bombing and virus parade begin :D (I know i'm gonna get this post deleted by the mods, But hey. The guy was asking for it)

(Feel free to use the addy if you already have it however.)
Opps, I've just put that email address into a pron mailing list. Was that the wrong thing to do? :lol:
Dudes... I know he hasn't heard of constructive argumentation yet, I also doubt he has ever seen a GP32 in real life, but I don't think we shouldn't be at the same level he is right now. I absolutly disagree with that "please spam his email account cause we don't like him". Let's try the normal way: If he is going to make crap again, warn him, if he won't stop it, he will be banned. That's it.
hi i reported to fbi a minute ago and they will do something and talking about my mom yha you will get yours
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