WiFi won't enable?


Nov 24, 2010
I have a problem with my wifi after deleting the "key-ring" folder. And I don't know what to do!

Please help me, someone suggested that I should re-flash the firmwire, but I read that it would tear on the NAND if I did that a lot and I want to look out every possibility to fix this.

So what happens if I try to enable wifi is: Toggle Wifi -> WLAN is beeing enabled -> nothing.

The red led light won't even react!
"a lot" is in the hundreds, if not thousands, of rewrites. You're good to reflash.
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What Stan and Al said. :P

I seem to recall skeezix mentioning having had to reflash a very large number of times during early phases of testing, and so on (he quoted five times *per night* for that period, in a recent thread here in General Talk), and as far as I know, nobody's said that the unit(s?) in question suffered for it.

Long story short: This stuff's rated for more writes than any regular user is ever likely to perform, and probably more than many "power-users" ever will, too (myself, I even store desktop backgrounds on it - shock! Horror! ;) ). Don't worry about it. :P
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