WiFi gone after online UpdateOS


Still Fresh
Sep 19, 2012

Recently I tried to upgrade my Pandora OS online (Menu/System).

During upgrade it gave an errormessage at the end (that now isn't in TMP-dir. anymore).

I retried upgrade with the same result.

Some icons looked a bit strange in taskbar (WiFi, USB...), so I decided to Shut Down the device.

After that enable-WiFi (taskbar) and toggle-WiFi (menu/system) are completely disappeared.

So I decided to flash to latest FW&OS.

Downloaded & extracted on fat32 SD card.

Hold Right-trigger button while power-on.

Menu doesn't show: "boot from SD1"

Tried another SD-card, same result...

Suggestions are most welcome ;-)
Known bug in the updater app. You need to run it twice in a row to not loose wifi.

Reflash should work though. Did you follow the instructions precisely? What filesystem does your card have? Does it have more than one Partition?
Thank you mcobit for your reply!

I run Upgrade Pandora OS twice becausse of the initial errormessage.

Option enable/toggle-WiFi got lost regardless however.

I followed instructions from the README precisely.

Boot-menu shows:

-default boot

-power off

-Boot older 2.6.27 kernel (OMAP-only)

-Boot in CLI mode (kernel 3.2)

-Boot with RAM cut for DSP (2.6.27) (OMAP-only)

-USB serial prompt

-serial prompt

Files in root (fat-32) SD-card (2 different brands; both single partition):

-boot (5.014kB)

-bootf (5.158kB)


-rootfs (309.708kB)

-rootfs.md5 (1kB)
Yes I used the left slot with both cards (after that tried the right slot as well just to be sure).

Still no option "boot from SD1" however...
hi there, i got the same problem (no wifi after update). i solved it by connecting via usb-ethernet-adapter and do another update && upgrade.

thanks mcobit!
You can try to redownload the flashpackage. Maybe there is something corrupted.
Just found out there is a SuperZaxxon 1.54 offline-updater.pnd in the Repo.

This installation worked really well, option enable/toggle-WiFi is back in OS :rolleyes: