Says What?
skeezix said:I've got a WRT54G (linux version) .. many many years old, but such a good router I'll never replace itI've got it running Tomato firmware.
I get about 150KB/s, which is a bit slow, but quite usable.
The oddity I have is the wifi is totally fubar'd if my laptop is 'on' (I've not experimented further .. what distance away from laptop remedies it, etc); anyone ever heard of such a thing before? I thought wifi was totally shot on the unit until I tried it from my bedroom one day, and it worked great. Took me awhile to realize the issue .. I can turn laptop wifi off and poof, pandora works.. turn wifi back on, and dead, connection goes to hell and hangs. Amazing(Really very annoying, since when I'm doing development, it would be nice to scp the files back and forth, for instance, but alas not
Sounds like your laptop won't shut up. Not sure about g/n but a b device will not speak until there is silence, checks, another device talking, waits a random fallback time period then checks again. A cordless phone in the same band that can't find it's base station has been known to shutdown wireless for a city block.
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