Wide screen stretch on emulators?


Still Fresh
Dec 31, 2011
Hello :ph34r:

I am still just contemplating on buying Open Pandora. One of the things important to me is if you can horizontally stretch the screen on most emulators to fill up all the pixels. I have to say, I am absolutely obsessed in that manner that I cannot live with black borders left and right. Up and down borders I kind of even like.

Knowing that in most emulators you can choose in the options to stretch the screen out horizontally to fill up all the pixels would make my day. What some call visual distortion, I do not care about. Is it possible and if so, on what emulators and what emulators is it not possible on, if it's not?

Thank you :)
So you like fat stretched out pixels instead of seeing how the game was intended to be. Well that's fine, but not for me.. Well it depends on the emulator and I'm sans Pandora at the moment so compiling a list will have to fall to someone else if their willing.
(psx)PSXrearmed allows it

(N64)Mupen64 allows it

(nes)NesEmu allows it

(gb/gbc/gba)gpSP allows it

(gb/gbc)VisualBoyAdvance allows it

(gamegear)Dega allows it

Those are all the emulators that I know of that support it. I hate it too.

Also the doom, quake, hexen and most other engine support it

idk about most of the indie games
Everyone has different opinions on stretching, I actually don't mind it too much.

I know both the SNES and Playstation emulators commonly used support stretching the full length of the screen. Same with Gameboy and GBA (I think, hasn't been a while since I used the GBA). Not so much with the NES emulator that I use (that I know of).

So in general, yep. Plus most of the emulators are being actively developed, so if it doesn't support it yet, it probably will in the future.
Wrath & derision be damned..!

I am also an advocate of fullscreen stretching options on all Pandora games/emulators although for different reasons (failing eyesight) as far as my limited understanding of HW scaling/filters etc goes it is possible on all of the emulators.. whether the porters are willing is a completely different matter, correct aspect ratio is a huge emulator sacred cow (unfortunately not just limited to the Pandora community) and even if it were possible to implement the option on all the emulators, i'm pretty sure that most of those responsible would consider it not worth the considerable time & effort it would most probably take, when the vast majority consider the incorrect aspect ratio as nothing less than an affront to god.
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It's nice to see someone asking this who isn't a sockpuppet account made by someone else who's trying to make it look like more people share their views than actually do. :P (Oh yes, we can see you... ;) )

Anyway, I notice that nobody's mentioned MAME4All, yet, incidentally - that one also supports various stretching options. Am I wrong on this one, guys? (The only time I use them is to make vertical games fill the whole height of the screen. :P )

Aside from those mentioned, are there any particular emulated systems that you're wanting support for this feature from?
Playstation, Nintendo 64, Super NES, MegaDrive/Genesis/Sega CD, Amiga and GameBoy Advance emulators all support ugly widestretch.
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I personally won't use an emulator unless it uses all of the screen. If all it supports is "ugly aspectstretch" then it doesn't get onto the SD card :-p
