Why You Need Moderator Approval For News Zone


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
Simply put, it's so only news goes in News Zone. Sometimes people post stuff that isn't really news or people just use the wrong forum. The ideal situation is that people can refer to News Zone for the latest news and discussion about said news, and even news-like stuff that doesn't exactly belong on the front page. The trade-off is about an hour or so delay before your news post becomes visible.

So please don't post in General Talk just because it isn't immediatly visible in News Zone. If you must have it immediatly visible, post in General Talk but NOT News Zone, then ask a single moderator to move it to News Zone (you probably don't need to ask as we usually do it anyway).
I've gotta disagree with you there

lets say a game is released or Mark wants to release an issue of GPM

if theyve said they get it done by a certain time and then have to wait an hour before it on news they wont get immediate feedback
I disagree, too.

When woogal told me about the moderated news forum, he just tried to post his edgepad news. Okay, one hour later, it was on, but the newspost came like one or two days later. It'd make more sense if you'd do both at a time, approve the post and do a newspost on the front page. But after all, it's not a very good reason to moderate the news forum, just "because sometimes people use the wrong forum". You could argue that they do this with every forum, so why not moderate them all then?
worst rule ever imo.

Why not just moderate the forum afterwards?

When something big is realeased and no mod is around, people arent gonna wait to tell others. It seems unnecessary and silly. Also whats the point in posting elsewhere then moving it to News afterwards?
We are all busy people lately, and to aprove a post is just a simple click, to write a news it takes a little longer. Would be great if everybody who post a news item would write them in a way they could be easily copy and paste into front page news system, but actually only a few people do it :) so this is why it takes a little longer to post on the front page.
I am thinking about integrating news forum with front page news display, and after approvement news would be visible on front page a well. Then after verification, a person/developer/whoever could post news directly to news forum without approvement, but it is kind of risky (amiga emulator case :/ - This actually a reason that all post in news zone need to be approved first. :/)
Don't want to sound harsh or something - but if the GP32x moderators are too busy for putting in a news item, you should probably employ one or two new moderators for that issue. We all know GP32x is basically the number one GP32 news site, so it's a pity to see it far behind.
Yeah, gp32x was behind with news to begin with, now its further behind because of this moderating crap. Plus I never saw a problem in the news forum before hand, only once did I see someone ask for help.
We are talking games here folks. An extra day won't get anyone killed. It just isn't that big a deal. If they want to moderate news, good for them, lets move on.
Read hando's post... this is in preparation for hando integrating the forum into the main news on the front page. A few counters:
  1. Obviously we can't just allow any item to be posted if it's going to go onto the front page as 'news'.

  2. News needs to be a checked first, it is not (to the contrary of hando) a 'simple click' if the news is about something major and possible based on rumour.

  3. Moderators like myself were only slow at first because we didn't get into the habit of checking the topic queue in the news zone. Think about it, we do not leave the forum and not come back for two days. We may, however, have not checked the news zone for two days. This will improve. I will be visiting regularly, at least (I previously wasn't) so it should take at most a few hours (daytime GMT) for it to be approved.

  4. Project devs (not sure about Gurus) will be granted access to posting without approval so it isn't going to affect their news (provided hando's fears are alleviated)
I prefer the current system because before, [topic=1649]stuff[/topic] [topic=3203]like[/topic] [topic=6778]this[/topic] [topic=7624]or[/topic] [topic=10813]this[/topic] ended up in the news zone.
make me a moderator as I am on here 24/7 even in school.

Just make sure I can only approve one news post an hour or ill approve a post for a new emulator news and then hando looks at the front page

Flu and Blu both squeiled at

my brother squeiled at both my Blu and my Flu!
sam fisher posted on Sep 14 2004 at 07:33 PM said:
make me a moderator as I am on here 24/7 even in school.

Just make sure I can only approve one news post an hour or ill approve a post for a new emulator news and then hando looks at the front page

Flu and Blu both squeiled at

my brother squeiled at both my Blu and my Flu!

good idea

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Funnily enough - I dont think anyone who moderates actually asked to be a moderator - WE were asked.

Sometimes, those who want to be moderators most actually make the worst mods...