It Would Be Very Nice If....

  • Thread starter Thread starter sebastian_insua
  • Start date Start date



It would be very nice if instead of having a "Latest posts from GP32 Xtreme Discussion Board" on the front page you could choose to subscribe to different boards and they're new posts came up in sub-sections.

ie. you could subscribe to Gigas engine, General talk and News zone.

and when you went onto the homepage and (were signed in) it showed you the newest posts in each of the sections you were subscribed to...
You would bable to change these options in your control panel and could choose to just show new posts from all of the sections (as it is now)....

i think this would be good because it would solve the problem with people going onto Gigas engine postswhen they did not want to (and would be very user-friendly)....

I know this would be difficult to incorporate but i think it would be well worth it..


Also a skinnable GUI for the site would also be very nice...
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Personally, I'd only go with the first idea if those who weren't logged in saw the lot, as happens at the moment. On the other hand, if that could be arranged, then tis a great idea.
yeah will asking for a skinnable gui was a litltle less important but i had seen it on a couple of other forums and it looks very nice...

Well a good example of a messageboard that uses skins would be the MagicBall Network Forum at:

They have a very nice design...

But i like my original idea better...
As well as being able to subsribe to areas you could also have it so that posts you have participated in send you an email everytime somebody replies to them (But your choice whether this would happen), but that would most likely be a huge waste of traffic...

What about a button to donate money to the site via Paypal...