Why is the official Gamepark site down???


Still Fresh
Nov 2, 2003
Anyone know why both the korean and english versions of the official gamepark site seem to be down???
Maybe they have stopped supporting the product now they only have so many hundred to get rid of?
no no no, don't be ridiculous.
I believe they are changing their server for a NEW LOOK or perhaps to allow more users simultanously.
Gamepark is always going to try and support the GP32 as much as possible no matter how many they have left to sell.
Don't lose faith in the good olde Korean wonder system yet, I Promise you...there is more GOOD STUFF coming. I know it.

BTW..please don't double post newbiedumbass, its not going to get your question answered any quicker...thanks. Your just going to annoy the Mods. I think :blink:
hi there,

my gamepark arrived just yesterday and i can't wait for registering to receive the freelauncher.
hell, all my c64-favs to play with the gp32-port of frodo.

if english.gamepark.com isn't reachable by tomorrow i'll use the way through IRC.

anyway - to me it look's like very poor support. no "sorry, we're currently off!" page or anything else. poor, poor.
Its worth knowing as of yesterday all GP32 bought from my website (gbax.com) are pre-registered, so they are ready to use out of the box.

I think even gameparks DNS is down, so i dunno if they didn't pay the bill or something... or indeed they have now sold all the remaining GP32's.


DNS of www.gamepark.co.kr still works...but no content.

oh, please let me receive this freelauncher today/tomorrow after work. i don't care if via web or irc. i just want to be able to run the available apps and code on it.

ahh...can't believe this. i never bought the GP32 to play the commercial games.

sad, sad, sad.
err...because i received my GP32 last week i'm pretty new in this community.
so i may ask: if GamePark stops production and support (webservices, etc) - is the GP-community already strong enought to handle the future?
i don't want to know how long it lasts - this is probably a question nobody can answer. in reference to the (still living) amiga-community, which had had a longer time to grow *with* support&production from commodore and third parties, the GP32-com. is very much younger and stepmotherly supported (so it seems to me) by the manufacturer after a short period of time.

...so (again) i grab a piece of hardware which
-isn't spread much
-only few people know about
-is no more official supported (as it seems to me currently, if website stays down)
-lives purely from it's homebrew-developers

this is pretty cool! it forces you to take a closer look on/into your system - and if there is a good community ehind yourself...what better could happen?
ok just tried again (3/12/03 7:00pm) and the korean site is now up but not the english one.


Does anyone know why GP have stopped production till next year? are they going to release a slightly more powerful system, a new console entirely (GP32 II???) or are they just running down the stock to make some cash before they manufacture a load more.

am i right in thinking the GP32 has been around for a while (over a year). even if the just upped the ram and made flu standard (or - to dream the impossible dream upped the processor speed/added video and audio processors) that would be ace.