Yigguth said:
The paypal wouldn't work for me either yesterday so I paid with the protx instead.
It wouldn't let me put a shipping address so will I just get it mailed to my card address? They're the same place..
i had issues on opening day for preorders that the site would not allow my credit card to go through, everytime i tried it, it declined it.
so i got onto paypal, filled out the info on where to send the money, then i sent my paypal order to
openpandorasales@gmail.com. checked paypal and it showed everything went through just fine. then the next day got my preorder confirmation email from pandora sales, and everything is fine.
moral of the story is, my paypal account is linked using the same credit card that the pandora preorder site kept declining, so if you have a paypal account that is linked to your bank card, then go that route. my bank called the next day about the issues of the declines to verify that it was me trying to place the orders also. i'm glad to have fraud protection on craigx's site and my bank card, but sometimes things just are too protected, and it almost made give say heck with it and just not order my pandora. but i gave my paypal account a shot and finally things worked out.