ok, Files uploading now into a folder called "New Stuff"
The Wav wont work on the GP32 But works on windows
Also, I need the first 10 or so seconds knocked off the Wav as I cut something like 100 - 200 pics off the start of the video but I havent got around to playing with the Wav... something like Windows audio recorder can be used to the start off or I will do it in 15 - 20 mins
I think the origianl video was 14 fps (well thats what the .bik converter said)
It should work with every extension you give it. Cfg was just an example...
And you don`t need the file exist, if there is no file, it just loads zero into the variable.
And of course you have to make out where to put that, I don`t know if you`re playing the intro in while loop or a normal loop or whatever, as these are just plain examples.