Whisky Tango Foxtrot


Still Fresh
Apr 2, 2007
ok this is totally frusterateing.

I just got my GP2x on saturday, I have been planning on modding the think to add some nifty hardware but seeing as how I was lacking sufficient hardware I decided to play with my new toy... in playing I made the original sin of formatting my nand... no big deal the OS was still fine, but I lost my nifty games that came with my system and I lost the cool help videos :huh:

so I decided to see if I could get them back... I downloaded 3.0.0 firmware kit and looked through the packaged and found the files that I needed to put back most of it, but FOOLISHLY rather than manually putting them where they belong via the USB, I took the lazy route and attempted to reflash the firmware from SD...

the update kicked off with a format. I had read this was going to take some time so I set it on my desk and proceeded dismantleing a gameboy micro (its funny what we do when we are bored) when I looked back at my gp2x the think has a black screen and thats it... I got nervous but I figured the think may take some time or have background things to do or some such nonsence so I waited and waited... its been well over an hour... screen's still back...

shortening up: I rebooted and I get the gp2x loading screen witch changes to the "starting" screen but then it goes black... bricked.

I found several articles about recovering my gp2x but none have been useful:


I have no idea where to go from here, is this fixable or did I just waste $200 on a worthless peice of monkey poo? :angry:
first off: roflmao

seriously: you might want to try and use fully charged batteries. or a power plug. then put the firmware you want on an sd card with nothing else on it. try to boot your gp2x while holding start+select (i believe that's the combination... haven't reflashed in a while). good luck.

It shouldn't be too much of a problem. if you can still see the gp2x loading screen you are still able to reflash it from sd.
xnopasaranx said:
first off: roflmao

seriously: you might want to try and use fully charged batteries. or a power plug. then put the firmware you want on an sd card with nothing else on it. try to boot your gp2x while holding start+select (i believe that's the combination... haven't reflashed in a while). good luck.

It shouldn't be too much of a problem. if you can still see the gp2x loading screen you are still able to reflash it from sd.
ok, that kicks off the "firmware upgrade" :D process, but the problem is the screen goes blank after only a moment... :o am I supposed to just wait? or reboot? or what?

and BTW, laugh away, I know better, I did a bad thing, but then, we all have gone threough our dangerous periods, and some will have relapses... such is g33kdom


you rock dude, I was trying to update to a patch (I opted NOT to install 3.0.0 cause frankly, it blows) I downloaded and install 2.0.0 and it installed like a friken champ. thanks man!
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... and I believe the ROFL comment was directed toward your clever topic title. ;)