I read it's based on Gens, so I've been using Gens savestates for savestate hacking. It gives me an idea where the offsets are in Picodrive savestates.
I read it's based on Gens, so I've been using Gens savestates for savestate hacking. It gives me an idea where the offsets are in Picodrive savestates.
Only portions are based on Gens, most notably CD controller and that scale/rotate chip. Savestates are completely custom.
Basic format of an element in a savestate is:
so main 68k RAM would look like (usually at 0x71):
02 00 00 01 00 <64K bytes of RAM>
0d 00 00 08 00 <512K of PRG RAM>
You probably know .gz files are gzipped, so you need ungzip them first. Also RAMs are byteswapped for emulator performance reasons (I think Gens have it like this too). Offsets may change between versions (emu has no problems with this because all elements have size).
Save states for Sega CD are more than twice the size of SNES and Turbo Duo, does this mean Sega CD is more graphic intensive? Bigger save states means better graphics?