Which Type Of Fps Do You Like

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Whenever I get to talk with my friends regarding Halo or Metroid Prime, we always get to argue about which is better. Not only that, the one who likes Halo hates Metroid Prime and vice versa. I'm on the side with Halo, and I can't stand the scanning and having to jump in MP. Usually, I get countered by someone who's saying Halo is a mindless/repetitive shooter, whereas MP is about exploration. I know, there is no right anwer for this question, but which type of FPS (despite of Nintendo's insist that MP is not a FPS, but FPA :P)?
Compareing Metroid to Halo is just plain unfair, Metroid is far more Complex with little Quests and a good Story and Atmosphere, Halo is just a standart booring linear Shooter.
I love them both.

They are definately very different... Prime captures, very well, the essense of the great 2D Metroid games before it, with emphasis as much on exploration as on shooting. It was the best game I had played all that year (and I played pretty much all of the best one released for each system). The story is great and the action (once you get used to the controls) is second to none.

Halo (and moreso Halo 2) is much more a 'conventional' FPS but is better than most other console FPS's (and my PC ones) I've played on so many levels. Especially with halo 2, they strove to achieve this very cinematic feel, with some great semi-scripted moments, and a decent, interesting story. Also, the AI (both friend and foe) really lends a great sense of immersion since it can be VERY smart much of the time. On harder difficulty levels, it really forces you to think out every move you make (which most FPS don't do, IMO), and even the smallest firefight can turn into a 30 minute siege. Which is why I said SEMI scripted.... even the parts where you can tell they are scripted, because the AI is so smart and can and will react to every move you make, you can play thru the same section 10 times and it will feel like a different battle every time.

I love them both... well, all four of them actually (both sequels were fantastic as well), and can't imagine not having played all of them. I think most Halo people disliked Prime because of the lack of the typical FPS controls... and yeah I admit the lack of a free look did throw me off for a bit. Also, the first section of prime, aboard the ship, I found to be pretty boring... had I not payed $50 for the game, I'd probably have stopped playing by that point. But once you get down to the planet surface the game gets soooooo much better... but I think a lot of people just never gave it a chance past that first part. Their loss!
Metroid Prime isn't an FPS, it's a first person platformer. It has lock-on, a nonstandard control system that requires you to pause before aiming manually, maps, upgrades, puzzles, jumping etc. Not a fair comparison by any means. Though I'd still say Metroid Prime :)
I agree totally.

I hate FPS with a burning passion, too much repetition and too much movement leading to motion sickness for me. I do however really like Metroid Prime, dispite hating that they forced the first person persective on us. I'm pleased because the slower pace keeps it from being a game I can't play due to the motion sickness. It's also truely amazing how they were able to capture the Metroid "feel".
the original PC version of Rainbow six let you switch to 3rd person view but because it still used mouselook I still got motion sickness. That's the main contributer to the problem, the act of looking around so much so fast to kill things/soldiers. With MP the auto target eliminates some of that jumpy searching.
They both suck. I go with UT2004.

Halo is crappy, mindless killing. (No, seriously, I play the game every time im over my cousin's house, its just an average FPS)

MP is too slow with the scanning.

Ut2004 is mindless killing, but very fast paced and wonderful frag fests.
I like them both. I prefer Halo, but that is not to say that I didn't have tons of fun with Metroid Prime, which I did. Metroid Prime could have had the dual anolog controls and still been Metroid. I still cannot understand why they went with that control scheme they did.
I haven't played Halo very much, but my first impression is that it's slooooow. I mean, running speed seemed to be like walking speed on more fast paced FPS. I much prefer PC Doom for FPS action, with massive fragfests and literally hundreds of mods for SP, DM, CTF etc. etc.

I loved MP-II, I didn't yet play MP. I fall in the group who don't think it's an FPS- it plays like an adventure, like the 2D metroids or Castlevania :) Brilliant games.
I have tried different FPS. I have never liked the first person shooter gameplay. But MP is the first one that I got into and really liked. It is the only one that I will play. :)
Doom 3 and Quake 4 have recently caught my attention, and the best thing its, they run on my already ageing 1 year old Dell (2.66Ghz Celeron, PCI Radeon 9200, 512mb RAM). Only catch is that you have to turn the graphics down a hell of a lot to get a playable experience... but I've never had a problem with 800x600 resolution without any bells & whistles.

:Edit: Also, System Shock 2 is still the best horror/FPS/RPG hybrid. Ever.