Which Pda Do I Buy - Tytn Ii Or Omnio?


I play, therefore I am?
Dec 28, 2005
Birmingham UK
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Hey all,

I do not like mobile phones, but I love PDAs. I have been using various hp's over the years and currently have a rw6815 which I have been very happy with, but since I have owned it for two years I figured its time to upgrade.

After a lot of research I have narrowed it down to a choice of two that I like the look of - the HTC TyTn II or the Samsung Omnio, do any of you have one of these? any personal experiences would be great.

I also like having pocketclive running on my pda (a spectrum emulator) does anyone know if this would run on either of these pdas/smartphones or whatever there called these days!

Storage is also important to me, partly why I like the Omnio, as it comes in either 8 or 16gb. The TyTn II has sdhc support, has anybody used a 16gb card in one?

Cheers for any advice.
I definitely recommend the HTC TYTN II. However, that's only because I'm selling my one on ebay :P


Any excuse to get those bids up <_<

dosteridge said:
Hey all,

I do not like mobile phones, but I love PDAs. I have been using various hp's over the years and currently have a rw6815 which I have been very happy with, but since I have owned it for two years I figured its time to upgrade.

After a lot of research I have narrowed it down to a choice of two that I like the look of - the HTC TyTn II or the Samsung Omnio, do any of you have one of these? any personal experiences would be great.

I also like having pocketclive running on my pda (a spectrum emulator) does anyone know if this would run on either of these pdas/smartphones or whatever there called these days!

Storage is also important to me, partly why I like the Omnio, as it comes in either 8 or 16gb. The TyTn II has sdhc support, has anybody used a 16gb card in one?

Cheers for any advice.
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THE PANDORA!!!!!!! GET IT U NEED 1 !!!!1

lol :P i really don't know though maybe you should really wait for the pandora
:D I will be getting a pandora anyway - without question, but I need a new phone/pda as well :)

@ sataniC Virus - how much do you want for your Tytn II?
dosteridge said:
:D I will be getting a pandora anyway - without question, but I need a new phone/pda as well :)

@ sataniC Virus - how much do you want for your Tytn II?
Millions!! :D I'm just going to let the auction run to be honest and see what I get for it. I had it up last week and it was up to £156 with over 50 people watching it and over a day to go ... Ebay then removed the auction for copyright reasons (without telling me the full details I think it was because I advertised TomTom maps included for UK & Ire). I have of course *ahem* 'removed' these now ;)

I have had no experience of the Omnio so can't give you any unbiased advice. Was happy using the Kaiser while I was though :)
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sataniC Virus said:
dosteridge said:
:D I will be getting a pandora anyway - without question, but I need a new phone/pda as well :)

@ sataniC Virus - how much do you want for your Tytn II?
Millions!! :D I'm just going to let the auction run to be honest and see what I get for it. I had it up last week and it was up to £156 with over 50 people watching it and over a day to go ... Ebay then removed the auction for copyright reasons (without telling me the full details I think it was because I advertised TomTom maps included for UK & Ire). I have of course *ahem* 'removed' these now ;)

I have had no experience of the Omnio so can't give you any unbiased advice. Was happy using the Kaiser while I was though :)

Cool, I have put it in my watch list and will keep an eye on it and might just have a bid ;)

I like the fact you bought the HTC one, all the others on there are branded. :(

Have you tried pocketclive on it?
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I did not use it much for gaming although Pocketclive looks cool. I did use ScummVM on it for a while which worked great, although for the text heavy games the 2.8 inch screen makes the text a bit too small (i used to have an Axim X51v & Scumm was great on that 3.7 inch screen!).

I tend to buy direct models for phones as I have 2 sim cards on different networks that I swap whenever I head abroad (one for work, one for private use!) so I prefer unlocked phones direct from manufacturer in case I mess up trying to unlock something!!

If you do bid & win let me know its you and I may have some DVD's of software for you to intsall and mess around with (again stuff i can't mention on ebay auction) ;)
sataniC Virus said:
I did not use it much for gaming although Pocketclive looks cool. I did use ScummVM on it for a while which worked great, although for the text heavy games the 2.8 inch screen makes the text a bit too small (i used to have an Axim X51v & Scumm was great on that 3.7 inch screen!).

I tend to buy direct models for phones as I have 2 sim cards on different networks that I swap whenever I head abroad (one for work, one for private use!) so I prefer unlocked phones direct from manufacturer in case I mess up trying to unlock something!!

If you do bid & win let me know its you and I may have some DVD's of software for you to intsall and mess around with (again stuff i can't mention on ebay auction) ;)
Yay, I won - I was getting nervous at the end!

Can't wait to get it, now I need to go and source some headphones :)

Thank you sataniC Virus :D
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Was some hectic bidding going on there at the end!! Thanks for paying so quick :)

I'll be posting on Monday morning (local post office here is closed over the weekend) using recorded delivery, insurance etc. I actually found the headphones too so will be including them.

I'm happy this is going to someone from GP32X :) Thanks again & hope you enjoy it :)

dosteridge said:
sataniC Virus said:
I did not use it much for gaming although Pocketclive looks cool. I did use ScummVM on it for a while which worked great, although for the text heavy games the 2.8 inch screen makes the text a bit too small (i used to have an Axim X51v & Scumm was great on that 3.7 inch screen!).

I tend to buy direct models for phones as I have 2 sim cards on different networks that I swap whenever I head abroad (one for work, one for private use!) so I prefer unlocked phones direct from manufacturer in case I mess up trying to unlock something!!

If you do bid & win let me know its you and I may have some DVD's of software for you to intsall and mess around with (again stuff i can't mention on ebay auction) ;)
Yay, I won - I was getting nervous at the end!

Can't wait to get it, now I need to go and source some headphones :)

Thank you sataniC Virus :D
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Sorry double posting - dosteridge do you like any kinds of music?

I am happy with what the phone sold for, and as you are a GP32X member I would like to throw in some CD's for free for you :) Just mention either bands or styles that you like and I'll see what I have (I am selling my CD's on ebay at the moment and would be happy to put a few in the box for you instead of listing them. I have mainly alternative/ metal and industrial CD's but I have a few others too!

I'll burn some PDA games and apps also for you to use with the phone :)
sataniC Virus said:
Sorry double posting - dosteridge do you like any kinds of music?

I am happy with what the phone sold for, and as you are a GP32X member I would like to throw in some CD's for free for you :) Just mention either bands or styles that you like and I'll see what I have (I am selling my CD's on ebay at the moment and would be happy to put a few in the box for you instead of listing them. I have mainly alternative/ metal and industrial CD's but I have a few others too!

I'll burn some PDA games and apps also for you to use with the phone :)
That's really kind, I like all kinds but mostly metal/rock but what ever you think, you really don't need too.

Thanks again :D
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Sorry for the double post :unsure:

Received yesterday, which was very well timed as it was my birthday :D

Really pleased with it, thank you very much.

I can't get it to sync with my pc (xp) it just doesnt recognise it at all, any tips?

Thanks again sataniC Virus, and for the extras B)
Happy Birthday dosteridge :)

Glad it arrived for you. I do not know if you have used windows mobile devices before?

Basically, you will need to download a free programme called ActiveSync from Microsoft:


Install the programme when downloaded. Then connect the TYTN II via USB and it should recognise it, open ActiveSync and let you decide what you want to synchronise. You can also use Bluetooth to synchronise (I sometimes did this when I did not want the phone tied up to my computer. It's a bit more complicated but there is a good instructions in the help menu on ActiveSync. If you have a bluetooth dongle, or your PC is bluetooth ready, give it a go for wire free connections! (data transfer speed via bluetooth is actually pretty good).

Let me know how you get on. Oh, I only saw your reply about music CD's after I posted the phone! I am posting some other CD's early next for other people so I will send you a couple of CD's then too :)
Many thanks sataniC Virus :)

I am used to activesync, uninstalled my 4.2 - installed 4.5 and nothing. Hard reset on the tytn, but still no joy. Purchased a new sync cable, but still nothing, followed the tips on xda forum and nothing, its driving me mad.

Did you have any trouble syncing the device? I think I will go and get a dongle and see if that works.

Will let you know how I get on, I am even contemplating a hard reset on my pc and see if that does anything.
dosteridge said:
Many thanks sataniC Virus :)

I am used to activesync, uninstalled my 4.2 - installed 4.5 and nothing. Hard reset on the tytn, but still no joy. Purchased a new sync cable, but still nothing, followed the tips on xda forum and nothing, its driving me mad.

Did you have any trouble syncing the device? I think I will go and get a dongle and see if that works.

Will let you know how I get on, I am even contemplating a hard reset on my pc and see if that does anything.
Sorry to hear you are having problems syncing. I was using XP and Activesync 4.5 via USB & Bluetooth no problems. I used ActiveSynce and TomTom home the day before I shipped it to install the latest maps (I was using bluetooth at the time as I was charging phone via AC).

If you have done a hard reset of HTC, then you have probably lost the TomTom maps? (as i bought them online direct from TomTom). If so, let me know asap and when I am posting you the music CD's I will include a copy of Navigator software (not as much detail as TomTom but still pretty good) and maps for UK&Ire. I can't guarantee they will work with the TYTN II but I have used them on a Windows Mobile 5 320*240 device no probs. You just copy the files over to the microSD (with memory card reader) and it works fine (i.e. no .CAB install).

I can't imagine what the problem is and hope I did not do anything to mess up the system files. However, it was syncing fine for me after a hard reset just before I sent it. I only used bluetooth after the hard reset to sync but used usb most of the time when I was using it. I think I have a spare usb bluetooth dongle lying around and will send it to you if I can find it with the CD's. I honestly can't understand why it is not syncing for you - does activesync open and display an error message? Is there anything unusual about what network you are on (unlikely as it is meant to support all networks).
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That would be great if you could send those :)

Can't understand this either, I will keep trying and if I cant get it going will look at sending it off for repair :(
dosteridge said:
That would be great if you could send those :)

Can't understand this either, I will keep trying and if I cant get it going will look at sending it off for repair :(
Hey dosteridge, sorry I have been really busy at work and have not managed to get your package ready - I'll do it tomorrow and post on Thurs morn. I will include my original Belkin bluetooth usb adaptor which I used to transfer the maps the day before I posted to you (I have a non branded bluetooth adaptor too which I never used on the HTC).

I really hope this gets working soon and I feel bad that the sync does not work on your computer but can assure you it worked no probs on mine. I am sure you have tried but have you used all of your usb ports (in case other programmes are 'using' them?) and also checked your COM port settings? (I am not very technical but remember having a hell of a time trying to connect an old Axim X51V via Active Sync before!)

When I send you the usb adaptor, just follow the instructions in the Active Sync 4.5 Help menu on how to connect via Bluetooth - takes a couple of minutes but once set up it should work always. So should the usb cable, but I can't understand why that does not work. Whilst it should not be necessary there are also rom flashes to consider before sending it anywhere for fixing (I never flahed the rom and the phone has the original software the day it shipped).

I'll get you the usb bluetooth adaptor and a few CD's shipped tomorrow or Thurs morning (with Navigator software and maps). I really hope you can sync the phone soon :)
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My friend managed to get the tytn II to sync, he had bought it off me :) (at a hefty loss!)

I have purchased a samsung omnia i900 and it is fantastic. Pocketclive works on the omnia, the screen is cut off a little at the bottom (nothing major) but it is rather difficult to control and your speccy games are, therefore, somewhat limited.

TCPMP does not work on the omnia which is a little disappointing, but bearable.

Tomb Raider for PPC works but is, sadly, not playable as there are simply not enough buttons!

I have also purchased an HP Ipaq 614c, which is a great device which will run tcpmp and tomb raider for ppc, however pocketclive has the same control issues.

I will sell the 614c soon if anybody is interested, please let me know.

Overall, I can recommend the omnia if anybody is looking to upgrade, really sleek and stylish with everything you could want, other than a place to put the stylus!

@satanic virus, received package yesterday, thank you very much some great stuff in there. I will give the dongle to my friend who bought the tytn from me. Thanks for your help and all the freebies :)
dosteridge said:
My friend managed to get the tytn II to sync, he had bought it off me :) (at a hefty loss!)

I have purchased a samsung omnia i900 and it is fantastic. Pocketclive works on the omnia, the screen is cut off a little at the bottom (nothing major) but it is rather difficult to control and your speccy games are, therefore, somewhat limited.

TCPMP does not work on the omnia which is a little disappointing, but bearable.

Tomb Raider for PPC works but is, sadly, not playable as there are simply not enough buttons!

I have also purchased an HP Ipaq 614c, which is a great device which will run tcpmp and tomb raider for ppc, however pocketclive has the same control issues.

I will sell the 614c soon if anybody is interested, please let me know.

Overall, I can recommend the omnia if anybody is looking to upgrade, really sleek and stylish with everything you could want, other than a place to put the stylus!

@satanic virus, received package yesterday, thank you very much some great stuff in there. I will give the dongle to my friend who bought the tytn from me. Thanks for your help and all the freebies :)
Hi Dosteridge, I'm sorry to hear you did not manage to sync the phone :( & also the fact you made a loss selling it to your friend. I honestly have no idea why it did not sync for you and I feel bad it did not work out. As a small gesture to make up for the loss you made on the phone, I will be happy to give you free postage on any items you but off me on ebay in future (it will be a couple of weeks before i start listing again but I have loads of CD's, DVD's & games to list) - ebay id: thedeity666

btw, one of the CD's I sent you is a band called Pet Lamb - I thought I would send you a local Irish band :) They may be an acquired taste but I saw them playing live 3 times when I was in college years ago - if you like the track 'fun with maggots' you will probably like the rest! Also, while Smashing Pumpkings are not very metal, check out the track called 'Starla' on that CD. We used to play and destroy flats to that track at parties in college!!

Thanks for being so cool about the probs with the tytn, and as above I don't know know why there were problems. If I see your id on ebay in future I'll cancel the P&P charges :)
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Hey, I don't blame you at all, don't feel bad its not your fault. The pda is in excellent condition and it works fine for my friend. I only suffered a hefty loss because he is a good friend, I could of resold it for more. The fact is it just wasn't for me.

I appreciate all the extras and help you have provided. :)

I have just fallen in love with the Omnia. Just to update my last post, I have purchased the commercial coreplayer (tcpmp) and it works great, this is truly a superb pda/smartphone, I can recommend to all.
