Which Kick.rom Is Best For Amiga Emulator?


Jan 17, 2005
Hi all,

First off, fantastic to finally see an Amiga emulator on a handheld! Marvellous.

I was just wondering which kickstart rom gives the highest compatibility. I've been using 1.3, and about 60% of the games I've tried crash on the bootup.


If you're getting any adfs to boot at all chances you have a working rom.
where u need to put files.adf? i got empty.adf and wb13.adf? its there some path to put? or just where i put .gpe file?
For this particular emulator Kicksatrt 1.3 and OCS games are the way to go it seems. Check the Wiki for Kickstart requirements and compatibility list.
I think you have to rename the kickstart file to kick.rom (All lower case). It goes in the directory you put the .gpe file. ADF files go into the roms directory, even if they're multiple disk titles.
kickstart 1.3, ocs, 512k chip ram, 512k fast ram are pretty much the best (universal) settings for highest compatibility.
kick13 will be the best one to get just rename it to kick.rom and everything should be sorted.
Well, the A500 (the one that run most games) were shiped with 512K slow (chi) mem and no fast mem (fast mem are the chips that goes on the expansion card, commodore never ever shiped an amiga with an expansion card in). And it uses kickstart 1.3. Using an higher kickstart cause some games to crash (9 time out of 10 North & South crash when trying to start a new game), and setting more slow mem or fast mem do nothing but slow the overall emulation.

Btw, I'm posting from an Amiga, and the GP2X/Amiga file transfer run pretty well (the Amiga find the GP2X to be an USB key), where the GP32 wasn't amiga compatible.