Which Homebrew Games Has Good Compatibility


Jun 12, 2006
I want to know which homebrew games use control pads i've tried loads of games they don't work with pads at all.
What kind of games can we use joysticks for i mean the joysticks which are made for flight simulator.
sukhigp said:
I want to know which homebrew games use control pads i've tried loads o9f games they don't work with pads at all.
What kind of games can we use joysticks for i mean the joysticks which are made for flight simulator.
1st. make sure your joystick actually works with the GP2X
2nd. not all joysticks are the same, meaning button mappings are different. The app needs to support remapping of buttons.
3rd. A flight joystick determines position by analog data (gp2x is all digital), this basically means if your program doesnt support motion by axis, its never going to work. Im going to think most apps are not going to support axis movement.

For xBak port I did, I added a lot of joystick support, its supports movement by analog controllers like I describe above. It should work will almost all joysticks if they work with SDL. I tested both digital and analog controls. It may help you.
Another app to look for is the SDL test program by Guyfawkes. The lastest version I think has support for external joysticks.
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Have you seen the gp2x f-200 video on you tube it shows joysticks which can be hold in hand and has one long stick which can be used by one person.

homebrew games like doom,quake,hexen,heretic2x can control pad be used for them or can you think of any game which can be played with control pads.

The 2 programs you are on about which can be used with joystick do you have the links for them.
sukhigp said:
Have you seen the gp2x f-200 video on you tube it shows joysticks which can be hold in hand and has one long stick which can be used by one person.

homebrew games like doom,quake,hexen,heretic2x can control pad be used for them or can you think of any game which can be played with control pads.
I have not seen the video.
My guess is that if what you saw was a flight stick joystick it may be digital, not analog. Most of the popular homebrew games I think would support any digital joystick. You may have to edit a config file or a setup screen in thegame to remap the controls to the buttons on your digital joystick.
I really wonder if the joystick your trying to use even works on the GP2X at all. prboom and quake are good ones to start testing with. Find the readme's, look for anything about controls.
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I think BunkerMaster2X might work, there's some joystick code in there.

If you've got an F200, you'll have to wait for the next version (coming soon :))
I don't have any flight stick joystick which one is best one to buy any recommendation?

Are there any spaceships games where i can fly the ship and shoot anything i can see, using the flight stick joystick.
Do control pads work with doom,quake,hexen,heretic2x, i've tried it and they don't work with control pads?
sukhigp said:
Do control pads work with doom,quake,hexen,heretic2x, i've tried it and they don't work with control pads?
Ok im going to say this one more time.
prBoom (doom) is based on SDL, so if the joystick works with SDL it can work with prBoom.

Look in the READ-ME.txt:
* Config controls using the in Setup menu.

Look in the file prBoom.cfg you willl see this:
# Joystick settings
use_joystick 1
joy_left -32768
joy_right 32767
joy_up 32767
joy_down -32768
joyb_fire 14
joyb_strafe 13
joyb_speed 12
joyb_use 15

So you can 1 of 2 things either try and change within prBoom or change the prBoom.cfg to match up what buttons should do what.

If you still cant get it to work, I give up. I cant explain it any other way.
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