the book i have is also rather expensive C++ how to program by Deitel & Deitel... its a rather good book I've found, but I agree with Loridan...
no matter what your learning be it C++, Java, HTML, or riding a bike... you shouldn't rely on one source for information, one book does it one way, one does it another, and someone whos been programming for 10years does it in neither of those ways...
but I still reccomend getting a book, learning from source code is always good, but you still end up going... WTF is malloc!? thats where the book comes in handy

the basic stuff... addition, division, logic (if's, for's, while's) is easy to pick up and you can learn it all in an hour or two, few more hours to get basic algorithms sorted... then moving on to pointers and stuff, and your well on your way... start with classes and objects next... and before long... your well past me cus I'm lazy... lol