where to get the euro firmware?


Active Member
Dec 15, 2003

i want to try the eurofirmware, but i cant find it. its not on the firmware-site on gp32x and i cant find it anywhere else.
can anyone give me the link?

i dont know if it allowd to paste links to it here.

ps: you have a pm

pps: arg you was faster 1 sec faster DJWillis
Euro firmware is also integrated in the firmware from Aquafish
http://membres.lycos.fr/illusionstudio/aquafish/ together with pacrom, wind-ups and Spiv's bios monitor (version 1.1).

However, since the first release (0.1) was a disaster for people that didn't have a card reader,(the program wasn't able to transfer large files), I don't know whether it is any good. I haven't tried it myself, and I don't think that many people on this board are going to try it, after the troubles caused by the first version.
I found it to be quite good as a firmware. The workaround round the bug was to use darkfader's pclink.fxe instead...or use the new multifirm v2 that he(?) has done