Where should I put Segacd bios files....?


Feb 2, 2008
Hello people

Have been trying to get the segacd roms working on the latest version of Picodrive, but to no avail

Ive got Snatcher and Dragons Lair and also got hold of a load of different bios files..

The problem i have is where to put these bios files so Pico recognises them? :blink:
Any help would be much appreciated!

It's not the first time I have to quote this part of PD readme:

To play any game, you need BIOS files. These files must be copied to the same
directory as PicoDrive. Files can be named as follows:

US: us_scd1_9210.bin us_scd2_9306.bin SegaCDBIOS9303.bin
EU: eu_mcd1_9210.bin eu_mcd2_9303.bin eu_mcd2_9306.bin
JP: jp_mcd1_9112.bin jp_mcd1_9111.bin
these files can also be zipped.

Exophase is right, nobody reads readmes these days :(
notaz said:
Exophase is right, nobody reads readmes these days :(
Well some of us do. Please don't stop updating READMEs.

Heck, some of us even use the search feature on the board. I found this one ;) and various older ones (OK it was a chore).

Maybe a pinned "Things you DO do" :) would be helpful
- read READMEs
- search boards
- search WIKI
- search Google
- post sensical questions
- provide detailed information

When all else fails
- accept defeat
- reformat SD
- hire GP2X gurus for a fee :lol:
- sell GP2X :o
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Maybe a pinned "Things you DO do" smile.gif would be helpful
- read READMEs
- search boards
- search WIKI
- search Google
- post sensical questions
- provide detailed information

"Read pinned threads" should surely be added to that list
Thank you.
Oops i shoulda read the readme!! :rolleyes:

I searched google,
I searched the boards
and i searched wiki - no luck..

Thanks anyway, i will be sure to read the readme file fully!