Where Should I Get A Gp32 Blu From?

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Hi, just wondering where i should get one from? I am in the UK and looking at getting a standard unmodded GP32 BLU.
Where is the cheapest after P&P, shipping, import taxes, duty etc?
How much did you guys get your for? gp32_console

Thx for your help

Considering that you live in the UK and not looking for umodded one, lik-sang.com would be your cheapest place, but you don't get that great of a service. Gbax.com has good service and such for a bit extra. Depends on you, gbax.com or

What should i say in the email? and why do i choose Airmail is that cheaper?

you gotta choose airmail coz thats the one that they can make the declared value lowest, if you choose anything else they coa only lower the declared value a bit, therefor it may still qualify for tax. in the email just ask them to send the invoice separately and to lower the declared value
you dont need to email lik-sang. Well i didnt and ive had a flu and a blu from them and about 4 or 5 blus for other people. I dont get this "great service from gbax" as both are the same order your gp they send you it and thats it. except Lik-sang is cheaper :D
CABBAGES posted on Sep 6 2004 at 07:53 PM said:
you dont need to email lik-sang. Well i didnt and ive had a flu and a blu from them and about 4 or 5 blus for other people. I dont get this "great service from gbax" as both are the same order your gp they send you it and thats it. except Lik-sang is cheaper :D

It's the quick delivery and the definitive 166/180mhz from GBAx though.
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I'll also have to cast my vote for GBAX.com ... I live in the U.S. and had to pay a bit for shipping, but the service is nothing short of impeccable. Plus you get a guaranteed 166mhz, and I believe a free card reader (if the offer still stands).
Crocomire posted on Sep 6 2004 at 05:14 PM said:
lik sang is the cheapest, providing you choose airmail (7-30 days) and email them with your order number asking them to lower the declared value

Choosing Airmail only 1/1000 times you have to pay duties, so you can skip asking them to lower the declared value, and you can recover your declared money if lost.

And in the other side, Liksang is now shipping from their eurpean store, also if you are buying from LiksangHK at lower prices than LiksangEU, so you just have to care about selecting Airmail, or Global Priority (the Gp32 is small enought to fit Global Priority, and it's smaler and faster 3-7 days)

Anyway from the UK you always have GBAX.com :D

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Another vote in the gbax.com service... comes with a nice CD to get you running as well :)