Where Is Gp32linux.com Files?


Still Fresh
Jan 4, 2006
I want download files in www.gp32linux.com

but i cant...

anyone have backup files?
Ow, typo, i meant smc, do you have any idea why this is happening?
I just turned it off, normally not very smart, but the other releases of gplinux had no problems with that.

By the way: where are you from, I see you are a gpzigi.com member?
Any breaking news from korea? :)
Ow, typo, i meant smc, do you have any idea why this is happening?
I just turned it off, normally not very smart, but the other releases of gplinux had no problems with that.

By the way: where are you from, I see you are a gpzigi.com member?
Any breaking news from korea? :)

First, sorry for my pooor english..

Hm.. I have found one answer(not really) of smc problem, you are just turn off gp32 that running program..

If you wait for boot, press button "X" in program and wait for reboot, than will be no problem..

I'm from Korea and I'm gpzigi member in Korea.
There is no breaking news in GP32 from Korea.
GP2X? .. hm.. i dont have that..
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That's what I was talking about, the white/gray line that's characteristic to a non Blu+-friendly FXE.