Where Do We Go From Here?


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
Pennsylvania, USA
We moved from single screen to multi-screen to worlds to 3d and now online play with strangers, sometimes many of them and novel game controllers. What is the next big thing? I personally don't consider a move to a higher resolution tv a revolution (like going from 2d to 3d) , but more of an evolution. Realistic convincing virtual reality is probably decades away (But imagine clothing that hooks up to your game system which would make you feel the environment you are in, like wind and rain and muck and mud on your feet and mosquito bites...) Between then and now, whats the new thing? I was thinking maybe using projection to immerse the gamer, but that would really require an empty room, something most people don't have to give up to video games. Was the jump to 3d the end for a long time coming? I can see the graphics getting better and better, but that is not very different from what we have now. Has anyone seen anything up and coming that looks like it might bring some new excitement into gaming? Any imaginative ideas?

scrag_10 said:
blow your mind a little.


My mind blew at how ridiculous that was.


My guess is that in the future all games that are not sequels of established franchises will be illegal. So if you want to make a game, it will have to be a Mario game, or GTA77, etc.
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yep... pop a web cam into the lid to track eye position and you have the potential to display 3d without the wierd eyepieces LOL

i think the technique needs about 120 fps to work right though... there are already TVs being sold with it in the 10,000$ range

I believe that is a link to the tech but can't really feasibly check on dialup atm
Scalable Vector Graphics, but the 3d kind. The better the hardware the better the game will be, so old games can always look like new. And procedural textures/fractals, so textures all ways look good.

Also when games start to enter the public domain. I call it "the golden age [of gaming]."
rokdcasbah said:
scrag_10 said:
blow your mind a little.


My mind blew at how ridiculous that was.


My guess is that in the future all games that are not sequels of established franchises will be illegal. So if you want to make a game, it will have to be a Mario game, or GTA77, etc.

That link was freaky. From my understanding of it, that Tipler dude theorizes the universe is a computer and existence is a program. At some point, the universe will collapse and then replicate itself like some kind of cosmic virtual reality simulator that's running on a pc that is getting rebooted. So if he's right, then it may have happened before, or it's already happening.

So if it's true, we're all like little bits of self modifying code in a simulation of existence. So we are already like little video games in a video game playing video games.

So that means if the universe was an operating system, it would be Windows. You get a BSOD, reboot and continue as normal until the next inevitable BSOD, except it happens FOR ALL ETERNITY.

Scary. But not as scary as what rokdcasbah said. :P

EDIT: Brain implants. http://www.wired.com/medtech/health/news/2004/10/65422
The future of antisocial tech geekery. PS15 in your brain.
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An very cheap alternative to VR is a thing called headtracking, here's a very good example using some simple targets (it shows the regular view of someone else in the room and a view from a camera that is being tracked via headtracking, a little trippy, very 3-d-ish): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw

The only problem with headtracking is that you can really only have one player per screen. Though just from the above video and others I'm looking forward to some first person shooters that utilize it. B)

edit: forgot to mention this doesn't even need specialized screens/TVs; so the costs involved are very low.
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I always enjoy seeing what Nintendo brings out each interation, as althogh they are milking their fanbois, they seem to be one of the only groups who can bring truely original ideas to the market.

I guess the next big innovating gaming tool will come from Nintendo.

Looking at technology, the merge of CPU/GPU/SPU/AIPU/PPU all into one set of clustored processors is likely to be the next 10 years of gaming innovation; ensuring that the next generation of gaming PCs will continue to blow away the current generation in the same way that the current has blown away the previous generation. Whether good games are made is another thing altogether.
I believe that in near decade appears game creation kits that will change the gaming world forever.
Each developer will not be limited to usual human resources. 95% of game could be "generated" by computer. And programming and scripting will be forgotten :)

More utopicaly idea - the AI that played and analyzed most of the games that were created by humankind, by using rating system (from user, or from net) and "knowing" a platform for a new game. And a result - production of a new superb game, that is already adapted for user's hardware.

But maybe Third World War will veil the gaming industry by it's fun :D
I'm with Craig on this .. VR will start to make a comeback

I see two big stumbling blocks

Better controllers - motion tracking input. Wii wands are close, but they should get better - more intuitive to use, more subtle actions

Personal monitors - higher density displays embedded in a headset to give immersive environments, WiFi connected to the video source, with a third person output to a TV so your mates can see what's happening

So unless it's accepted with projected images and regular controllers, it'll take one superb game to effect a change in attitude to nerds wearing headsets and gloves.

Take guitar hero, as an example. Different controller styles will now become more acceptable ... if you have the game to back up the extra expense.
I hate to burst your bubbles but VR has some major problems. It causes head-sickness (i think it's called?). This happens because your senses are perceiving the world differently and they do not match, and you are not used to it. Kinda like when you are sailing and the boat rocks but you cannot see the water. You are pushed around, but your eyes are telling you noting is moving.

Head and/or eye tracking is a brilliant idea which I think will become bigger as the technology/algorithms gets better. This has nothing to do with Nintendo though. Johnny Lee just uses the wii remote a lot because of its properties which simplify his work.

I guess the next big thing (which is already kinda a big thing) is the simulation of reality. Games that are based on physics. I don't mean fancy virtual worlds, I mean gameplay which is based on physics.
u9i said:
I guess the next big thing (which is already kinda a big thing) is the simulation of reality. Games that are based on physics. I don't mean fancy virtual worlds, I mean gameplay which is based on physics.
There already a game "Trespasser"(1998) where dinosaurs can push weapon in your hand with their head and much more fun :)

IMHO Voxels should be reborn
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u9i said:
I hate to burst your bubbles but VR has some major problems. It causes head-sickness (i think it's called?). This happens because your senses are perceiving the world differently and they do not match, and you are not used to it. Kinda like when you are sailing and the boat rocks but you cannot see the water. You are pushed around, but your eyes are telling you noting is moving.
I completely agree that there are problems.

Motion sickness is a common problem when playing FPS - even without a headset (there was a thread around here not long ago)
Another is fixed focal distance in a stereoscopic 3-d environment affecting the eyes, like looking at those Magic Eye books for too long :blink:
But these aren't immovable barriers.
Nerds already use these systems with their inherent problems.
It just takes a superb game (like GH got people playing plastic guitars)
and a little inspired design of the hardware.
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quasist said:
There already a game "Trespasser"(1998) where dinosaurs can push weapon in your hand with their head and much more fun :)

IMHO Voxels should be reborn
I am making this my life's work. Sort of :)
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