Well-Known Member
We moved from single screen to multi-screen to worlds to 3d and now online play with strangers, sometimes many of them and novel game controllers. What is the next big thing? I personally don't consider a move to a higher resolution tv a revolution (like going from 2d to 3d) , but more of an evolution. Realistic convincing virtual reality is probably decades away (But imagine clothing that hooks up to your game system which would make you feel the environment you are in, like wind and rain and muck and mud on your feet and mosquito bites...) Between then and now, whats the new thing? I was thinking maybe using projection to immerse the gamer, but that would really require an empty room, something most people don't have to give up to video games. Was the jump to 3d the end for a long time coming? I can see the graphics getting better and better, but that is not very different from what we have now. Has anyone seen anything up and coming that looks like it might bring some new excitement into gaming? Any imaginative ideas?