Where did your username/sig come from?

Mine is from a fighting game I've spent the past few years deigning. It's basically a mash of all the clichés found in the genre, and it aims to be the best, and most mental 2D fighter ever made. Cameleon is the cliché Lizard-Human character. Similar to Reptile, Riptor and Lizardman.

Interesting. I presume when it's done we'll all get to try it on our Pandoras? :)
Mine is pretty simple, I'm a Norwegian and thus my name is Viking :D

EDIT: And I played Lost Vikings alot when I was a kid!
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Mine is from a fighting game I've spent the past few years deigning. It's basically a mash of all the clichés found in the genre, and it aims to be the best, and most mental 2D fighter ever made. Cameleon is the cliché Lizard-Human character. Similar to Reptile, Riptor and Lizardman.
lol, I love SC, KI and MK.
Well...Farox came from initial of my name FA, next my surname RO plus an X (is a letter i like ). :P

Its intended to be pronunced in italian, maybe in english didn't sound right/well.
My username came from a surreal dream I had on a flight en route back to the UK from Texas, in which I bribed customs officials (all of whom were giraffes of varying colour) with hay bails, the extra E comes from what my wife called a magnetic animal toy, Giraffee.

I actually have a tattoo of the giraffe on my leg too, so that's it! :)
hmm never knew what the owls name was, learn something new everyday
I usually don't bother with signatures but I made one for this board. It is pretty much my default response to at least 50% of the posts in the Pandora section.
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Final Fantasy 1! I like the way both of their names sound together. I came up with it for Starcraft many many years ago, and I've stuck with it ever since :) .
My username is a song title from my favorite band "Chicago." The song is from their first album, back when they were a true rock band before they became pigeonholed by the late 70's/80's power ballad. Many times it has caused people to ask if I wrote poetry.
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