Where can i get a pandora logo image to use.

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
Im putting together a simple downloadable pandora leaflet that can then be printed off by us the community.I need a picture of the pandora logo for it. If anyone knows where i can get one it would be most appreciated.Thanks. :)
not to be a dick, but if youre having trouble getting a jpg out of anything thats on your screen, maybe you arent the right person to create said pamphlets
not to be a dick, but if youre having trouble getting a jpg out of anything thats on your screen, maybe you arent the right person to create said pamphlets
I can figure it out.I just took the one from openhandhelds which was a gif image. Im getting the hang of microsoft publisher now.

So far the pamphlets look fine.They wont be hanging in the Louvre any time soon mind you. But no one else was interested in doing them so.

I will post them when finished and we can all artistically critique them over camember cheese and fine wine.