Where And When Do You Use Your Gp32?

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Yesterday, I went out for a walk with the dog and used the GP32 as a music player. I then took the bus journey to work, watched a simpsons episode and tinkered around on Super Mario World on OpenSnes. Used the music player again last night at work, and on the way home - again listening to tunes.

I work nights, so the FLU is a must have - I don't get to see much daylight.

Where and when do you use your GP32 - what do you play? What do you watch? Listen to?
I use mine a LOT at work (graveyard shift. YAY!). Aside from work, I only really play it when I'm trying to fall asleep in bed. I have so far only used it for emulation; NES, SMS, GG, C64, PCE, ColecoVision, SNES, Doom, Atari 2600, GBC, and Sierra AGI games :D
hmm, i get up in the morning, check this site for any new releases of anything, load up some music, and listen to it on the way to school. Study hall, i play falldown, watch some small movies, and play slyro. When i get home, i just mess around with programming it, and that's about it.
I commute by train/tube for 4 hours a day- most of that I use the GP. If i'm really into my game i'll continue playing at lunch. I used it on a flight to crete to watch LOTR, and on the beach to listen to music, and play games of course. Also my girlfriend and I wanted to know which islands we passed over on the way home, see we used it as a JPG map viewer :) I do use it at home, but once the DC link is out, and saves become portable between EMU's, i'll probsbly just use the big TV and the DC.
I use my GP32 on the way to work on the metro to watch movies or play games (tetris on gbc) at lunch and at night.
Definitely on the bus :lol:
but dont 4get free periods at school
1. Get up
2. Go back to sleep
3. Get up
4. Go to GP32x. New release? Yes: Next Step, No Goto 6
5. Download and try new release(s)
6. Loop forever. In car/airplane/train? Yes: Break Loop. Bedtime? Yes: Goto 9
7. Play OSnes9xGP (zelda), Doom, and other stuffs
8. Goto 6
9. Use computer for 2-3 hours
10. Goto bed
11. Loop forever. Time to wake up? Yes: Goto Step 1

(of course, thats just stuff I do that is related to GP32 :P)
Geez...am I the only one who uses it on the toilet??? :P

also at work when I'm supposed to be working...

and late at night before falling asleep.

I mostly use Frodo, GPengine, Castaway, little john and a little coleco in between :)

Homebrew games come in and out (depending on latest ver)... most anticipated would have to be finalwar

I havent really bothered with much Divx yet but so far Aquateen hunger force episodes and Enter the dragon XVID

Heh...I've only had it for about a month and a half...
Iorgy77 posted on Mar 4 2004 at 01:40 PM said:
Geez...am I the only one who uses it on the toilet??? :P
Now u mention it........ :P
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I work 12 hour nights so the gP gets used a lot at work (my job basically involving doing nothing unless something goes wrong then having to go sort it :D) Haven't got a movie player yet and have a cd player at work along with a tv/video so I mainly play games. Current favs are -

Spectrum - Atic Atac
Nes - ninja Gaiden
Sms - bubble bobble
pc engine - Dragon Egg
Snes - Final fight 2
Atari St - Turrican 2
Plus of course Doom, Doom 2, and Star wars doom

Homebrew stuff usually gets played at home cos for the most part its installed played around with then removed (apart from Rick dangerous that is :D )

Gonna have to get Pinball dreams too, used to play that a lot back in the amiga days.
I listen to mp3s as I byke to college, am in lessons. I usually play games during lessons if im bored :D. Erm I dont really use it much other times... sometimes when at pc oh and the 128mb smc is good for transferring work home ^_^

Games I play on it are:

- SMB3
- Flintstones
- Turtles
- Various sonic

erm thats about it... I will probably start playing some snes rpgs when the new version of OSnes9xGP is released :)
Iorgy77 posted on Mar 4 2004 at 01:40 PM said:
Geez...am I the only one who uses it on the toilet??? :P
I would, but i'm worried about 'splash back' ;)

oh, and I use mine to watch finding nemo, LOTR, futurama, and transformers.
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Used mainly for keeping me amused when holidaying abroad and long train journeys.

Occasionaly use it at home but that usuallty to test new releases, don't really feel the need to play on my gp32 at home when i have a kick ass pc to muck about with instead :P
skysnapper posted on Mar 4 2004 at 05:26 PM said:
Used mainly for keeping me amused when holidaying abroad and long train journeys.

Occasionaly use it at home but that usuallty to test new releases, don't really feel the need to play on my gp32 at home when i have a kick ass pc to muck about with instead :P
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on the toilet at home, in school during and between classes, and at home after smoking a few joints with my friends :P

Kirby's Pinball Land (GB, fGB32)
Devil's Crush (PC Engine, GPEngine)
Battle Pinball (SNES, OpenSNES9xGP)
Kirby's Adventure (NES, Little John)
Kirby's Dreamcourse (SNES, OpenSNES9xGP)
Mercenary Force (GB, fGB32)

that's about it right now, i guess. mostly pick-up-and-play games since i play in short sessions (except on the toilet :P)
Great responses, didn't expect so many so fast! I was just on the bus home, playing Super Mario World and thought to myself "I'm going to a gig tonight, this will keep me occupied during the trip there." Then I realised, I'm going to a punk gig. This sort of kit isn't safe in the cloak room, nor out on the floor listening to the band.

I am gutted, I can't take my baby with me! :(
Slyro, falldown or drunken frogger on the loo, mp3 player on the way to college, doom 2 or maybe some puzzle games for the nes and gamegear/sms before i go to bed. and *everything* whenever i have a long car journey.
whilst walking to school i listen 2 alot of mp3's.... Play the odd game at school most of my time on it is spent in the evening actually just messing about on various programs