Whell I Gusse Im A Comidian


Still Fresh
May 15, 2004
I thought that when i came here i would be presented with open arms. Instead all i got was negativitie. Im changing the subject, I was looking for a work at home job. DOse any one know where i can get one. MOst of them dont pay. If you tell me a website to go to ill apreciate.
sayqustionsaskanswers posted on May 17 2004 at 09:02 PM said:
I thought that when i came here i would be presented with open arms. Instead all i got was negativitie. Im changing the subject, I was looking for a work at home job. DOse any one know where i can get one. MOst of them dont pay. If you tell me a website to go to ill apreciate.
:o Wow.... just.... wow...... the lack of comprehension here is just..... staggering.......

This obsession with our negativitie(sic) is now past the frustration stage. It is also past the funny stage wherein we realize that the person in question is more fun to laugh at than to try to deal with. Now I am in the incredulity stage. I fear that soon we shall reach the anger stage.
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People are welcomed by earning everyones respect by using the search engine of the board rather than asking n00b questons all the time and not constantly whining, if you dont like it dont come here simple as really, i dont like moaning at ppl or flaming them but its kinda deserved really, i love this community and all the peoples on these baords are real cool and arent negative.
So give it a fresh start and try to get along rather than whine.
No offence

TBH no n00bs (not even blipped4) have actually bothered me before, but now... It feels like the board is polluted :(

(Not only whith the person who started this thread, but I won't name anyone)
Swiss_Cheeseman posted on May 18 2004 at 10:24 AM said:
Man, sayqustionsaskanswers is such a AbSolutely hilariouS guy! He is the mOst Lol dudE!@!#
I detect a hint of sarcasm, a nice little use of caps and bold writing too. :lol:
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This is gonna be my official first flame:

"Whell I Gusse Im A Comidian"

"Whell I Gusse YOUR AN IDIOT" .

Doing my step to promoting the friendliness of the gp32 community! :P
I looked at the Post Title, and I thought, wahaay some sort of joke or anicdote, but no i was greeted by an odd use of grammer and NO formatting,

whats ure address, Im sending u a Dictionary and my KS2 English book
sayqustionsaskanswers posted on May 17 2004 at 09:02 PM said:
I thought that when i came here i would be presented with open arms. Instead all i got was negativitie. Im changing the subject, I was looking for a work at home job. DOse any one know where i can get one. MOst of them dont pay. If you tell me a website to go to ill apreciate.
Right... nuff with the flaming, imo. At least this is a proper question posted in the right place (off topic). Even if it should be spelled radically different (I don't suppose, sayaskquestions, you'd consider pasting absolutely everything you write into Word beforehand just for the spellchecker, because I'm afraid you need it - its one of the main reasons you annoy people).

Anyway. Home jobs. No. I don't know any. Your best bet might be to open a web-design company or something similar if you are able to learn HTML/CSS/PHP/Perl (certainly the first two, and probably one of the last one if you actually want to be better than enough people that they might consider you). But do something about your spelling first. And make sure you actually can design good pages.

Of course, you could always join a telemarketing company. But I doubt you'd like that. And nor would people who you phoned (name anyone who LIKES being phoned by a telemarketer).

Or you could always start tutoring people. Just ehm... avoid English lol.
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mattmagoo posted on May 18 2004 at 04:12 PM said:
I looked at the Post Title, and I thought, wahaay some sort of joke or anicdote, but no i was greeted by an odd use of grammer and NO formatting,

whats ure address, Im sending u a Dictionary and my KS2 English book
Send him a gun, some rope, and a knife.

he just wanted to bbe a moderator
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I`m casually going to ignore everything else and just talk about home jobs.... if you can, make your hobby somewhat lucrative. I paint miniatures (You know, like Warhammer, Confrontation and the like) and do commissions and sell on eBay.
Well actually I was hired for one commission and the store decided to close before I got my money :angry: But that's because I am not well-known and shouldn't bother you. Tutoring is a good thing too. You seem to see yourself as some PC god, try giving people PC lessons (and believe me, many people will need those lessons). This especially can be extrermely rewarding. The cheapest service here provides help with nearly anything concerning the PC and it's unbelievable what money they make: Removing a single Virus 10€, Data Backup 15€ per CD, Adding a piece of Hardware 20€, complete makeover with optional OS change 75€, Tuning 25€ flat. Maybe only Germany is that pricey, but hey, take one third and you could still make a nice profit.
I've been doing some contract work lately, usual computer repairs stuff. I'm basically unemployed though.