I`m casually going to ignore everything else and just talk about home jobs.... if you can, make your hobby somewhat lucrative. I paint miniatures (You know, like Warhammer, Confrontation and the like) and do commissions and sell on eBay.
Well actually I was hired for one commission and the store decided to close before I got my money :angry: But that's because I am not well-known and shouldn't bother you. Tutoring is a good thing too. You seem to see yourself as some PC god, try giving people PC lessons (and believe me, many people will need those lessons). This especially can be extrermely rewarding. The cheapest service here provides help with nearly anything concerning the PC and it's unbelievable what money they make: Removing a single Virus 10€, Data Backup 15€ per CD, Adding a piece of Hardware 20€, complete makeover with optional OS change 75€, Tuning 25€ flat. Maybe only Germany is that pricey, but hey, take one third and you could still make a nice profit.