What's The Gp2x Screen Brightness Like?


Still Fresh
Feb 17, 2007
I did have a DS, but screen brightness kind of killed it for me. That thing is just plain unuseable outside, or even in the car.

I'm considering getting a gp2x, but I'd like to know what the screen's like first. How does it compare to the DS? Can you see it easily outside?

Thanks! :)
b3mus3d posted on Feb 17 2007 at 08:39 AM said:
I did have a DS, but screen brightness kind of killed it for me. That thing is just plain unuseable outside, or even in the car.

I'm considering getting a gp2x, but I'd like to know what the screen's like first. How does it compare to the DS? Can you see it easily outside?

Thanks! :)
you cannot see it easily outside for me but you can still see it.

about the comparison: dunno haven't touched my ds since I got my GP2X!
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b3mus3d posted on Feb 17 2007 at 04:39 PM said:
I did have a DS, but screen brightness kind of killed it for me. That thing is just plain unuseable outside, or even in the car.

I'm considering getting a gp2x, but I'd like to know what the screen's like first. How does it compare to the DS? Can you see it easily outside?

Thanks! :)

It depends on which DS. The GP2X screen is brighter with better contrast (and bigger) than the original DS but not as bright as the DS lite.

Any backlit screen that is not transreflective will be hard to see outside.

It depends what you are using the thing for though as for if to get one or not. The GP2X is not really in the same market as the DS. There are very few commercial games available for the GP2X, while that is the main draw of the DS. There are better emulators for the GP2X and the screen resolution is higher and better suited for emus than the DS.
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my gp2x is bright as the sun (always wished that we could set the brightness to preserve battery life)
Thanks everyone for the replies!

The GP2X is not really in the same market as the DS.
I realise that, it's a big part of the reason I am considering switching - I never really got round to buying new DS games as 30 pounds is quite a lot to drop, but there are lots of SNES and other retro games I like. Portable video is good too.
b3mus3d posted on Feb 17 2007 at 11:01 PM said:
Thanks everyone for the replies!

The GP2X is not really in the same market as the DS.
I realise that, it's a big part of the reason I am considering switching - I never really got round to buying new DS games as 30 pounds is quite a lot to drop, but there are lots of SNES and other retro games I like. Portable video is good too.

I find my 2X to be easier on the eyes in bright conditions than my DS lite, just from personal experience.

I could be wrong, but that's what I've perceived.
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The GP2X screen is bright and crisp. It has a great refresh rate of 112fps, and produces very nice colours. Naturally it is more visible inside than outside, but as long s it's not directly under the sun's glare, it's fine outside too. I say go for it, you won't regret it! :)

- Alex