Whats the going rate for a first batch Pandora


Still Fresh
May 7, 2012
Hi there, I'm from Germany and want to get rid of my first batch Pandora (with original Packaging and TV out Cable).
What would be a fair market Price? Normally I look on eBay, but Pandoras trade rarely.
Hi, I sold mine a year ago or so and I'd want to buy one again. Do you have discord?
Sorry, don't use any messengers. I'll need to refamiliarize myself with the good old Pandora to make sure all the details of my bank accounts in the Bermudas have been removed for good :-) I'll put the Pandora then on ebay-kleinazeigen in the next two weeks or so and post the addy here.
I also have a couple of First Batch Pandora's I'd consider selling (#008 and #045) .. what's a good price in Europe? I love my Pandora, but haven't used them much since getting other things ..
I don’t know the history of the OpenPandora but what things did subsequent batches repair/improve/upgrade upon the first batch?
Could be this Seller came to the Cannoo like i to the Pandora: Through this Giga Games Show where ED was present whit his GP2X Devices, so he bought it for about 140 €, but ditnt knewd how to use, so he put it back in his Drawers, and now sells it for a got profit ;(
I cant remember if the Seller was at our German Boards at this Time in the Past..
It depends on the condition of the Pandora. A 1Ghz Mint condition should be 900 euro by now (in original mint case, with tv cable, working nubs, SD card, etc). Used and bruised... 200-400.
YMMV. The Pandora is not a known brand like GamePark, so do not expect it to blow up like a Nintendo.
I don’t know the history of the OpenPandora but what things did subsequent batches repair/improve/upgrade upon the first batch?
The Rebirth units had a slightly stronger silver case, then the 1GHz units used the same case plastics but a different CPU (and a new sticker in the battery compartment). I think he who must not be named here offered 1GHz units before ED made them, but I'm not sure exactly what came of that. Basically that's it, there was never a change to the keyboard, plastics, external interfaces, any of that. It was an incredibly successful initial design by that metric.
I have a first batch.... The charging port doesn't work... the full size USB is delicate (needs to be resoldered), and a couple of tabs on the battery cover have broken off, but clips shut and keeps the battery in place nicely.... other cosmetic wear.

I haven't used it in years. Is it worth selling? and what should I ask? Or should I keep it...?
@FaeMinx Your Pandora sounds like it is in better shape than mine. And I still use it. Note that because of the defects, the price goes down quite a lot (I guesstimate in the 150-200 euro range). So if it is still useful to you, keep on using it. Knowing you are not somebody to keep clutter, you should sell before Pyra comes out (because Pandora will take a price drop). Or... invest in a new battery (that is not bend), and then buy a set that contains a new back-cover. Ask a friend to solder the USB connectors... you know, refurbish it before selling it *(invest 40 euro, sell it at an additional 100 euro).
I don’t know the history of the OpenPandora but what things did subsequent batches repair/improve/upgrade upon the first batch?
The Rebirth units had a slightly stronger silver case, then the 1GHz units used the same case plastics but a different CPU (and a new sticker in the battery compartment).
The Rebirth units also have more RAM than the original CC units. And I'm not sure what happened with the GPU: I would have expected that to have changed along with the CPU, but I've seen a few mentions of things being different on CC units.
Yes, I think there is a difference in the GPU, but I'm not sure that actually translates to more vertices or anything useful like that. IIRC all it means is we can't use the exact same set of driver code as on CC units on rebirth units, and the 1GHz units use a slightly different set as well.
I have a first batch.... The charging port doesn't work... the full size USB is delicate (needs to be resoldered), and a couple of tabs on the battery cover have broken off, but clips shut and keeps the battery in place nicely.... other cosmetic wear.

I haven't used it in years. Is it worth selling? and what should I ask? Or should I keep it...?

What price would you hope for? If it works then it is already more valuable than some of the ones on ebay now. I just hope you are in (or willing to ship to) europe, as that seems to be where most of the interest is.