1337 T045T
This is one of the first Pandoras ever to be made, with the hardware that's now known as the "Classic", I believe. It has the First Batch sticker inside (see photo).
Comes with:
* Console
* Charger
* TV Out Cable
I haven't been using it much, but since the case is apparently quite brittle, there are some chips (again, see the photos). Also, due to its age, the keyboard seems to have yellowed ever so slightly.
Otherwise, it's in perfect condition: Keyboard, Screen, Buttons, Speakers and Nubs all work, and the few times I've tried, it overclocked pretty well, too (I never dared to go past 800MHz though, or even *to* 800MHz for too long).
I honestly don't know what this is still worth - make me an offer and I'm sure we'll be able to figure something out.
I hope it'll find a home with someone who has more use for it than I did
I live in Germany, so keep shipping costs in mind if you live far away from here.
Yes, this is my first post here. That's a testament to how long I haven't done anything with the Pandora. I used to be active on GP32X, almost 10 years ago.

Comes with:
* Console
* Charger
* TV Out Cable
I haven't been using it much, but since the case is apparently quite brittle, there are some chips (again, see the photos). Also, due to its age, the keyboard seems to have yellowed ever so slightly.
Otherwise, it's in perfect condition: Keyboard, Screen, Buttons, Speakers and Nubs all work, and the few times I've tried, it overclocked pretty well, too (I never dared to go past 800MHz though, or even *to* 800MHz for too long).
I honestly don't know what this is still worth - make me an offer and I'm sure we'll be able to figure something out.
I hope it'll find a home with someone who has more use for it than I did
I live in Germany, so keep shipping costs in mind if you live far away from here.
Yes, this is my first post here. That's a testament to how long I haven't done anything with the Pandora. I used to be active on GP32X, almost 10 years ago.