Whats on YOUR smc?


Trolling on the Spiderweb
Jul 10, 2003
Happy Magic Grand Land
I currently have on my 128mb smc:

1 episode south park
1 episode family guy

1 mp3 (as a tester ;))

Little John and 50 odd roms
Castaway and 20 odd roms
GpvsGb and 10 odd roms
FSms32 and 20 odd roms
Gpengine and 20 odd roms
Frodo with loads of games
Atari 800 emu with several games

Pinball dreams
Gpdoom with ultimate doom
Gp art
Pinball dreams


Still got 11mb left :P
I have on my smc:

3 mod files and mik play from the other forum for good mods



Avoid (very good game)

nestergp and a few roms

daft punk mp3 to test mp3 player out

Lk shot

Pipe panic



c64 emu + roms

i like the single games made for the gp32 more so than the emulators

my 128smc

fmsx32 +6 roms
GPengine +94 roms -still sorting them
gpvgb +14 roms
little john & nester +28 roms
Rick dangerous Gold
ScummVM + sam n max
Slander vol1
sms32 + 54 roms
uptext viewer

with 20.6mb spare

MultiFW running pacrom
I have on My SMC:

Fsms32 + 6 roms
Fnes32 + 10 roms
Ljgp320.21 + 10 roms
fmsx + 7 roms
gpengine +3 roms
The new mp3player.fxe + 5 mp3
(My little Metal Slug Port + My Little Gaour Port + My little Shell)
many background

Multifw0.2 using wind-ups and gpfm for explorer.
I have
GP engine and 8 roms
Doom 2
Little John and 40 roms
Frodo and 3 roms
Sms32 and 30 roms
Bird Shoot
Air Rage
JBB's GP32 Breakout
Connect 4
Drunken Frogger
Slyro the radioactive cat
Fmsx32 and 2 roms
GPVGB and 2 roms
Little Wizard
Movie Park and 4 music videos and the final fantasy 10 advert (id hav simpsons etc but i cant get the bloody things to encode)
4 pictures
5 articles from e-pinions
5 George Carlin mp3s (hes a legend!)
Annnnnd thats about it i think
4 books
Castaway + Rick Dangerous 2
fNes + ljgp32 + 20 nes roms
fSMS + 20 sms/gg roms
xrick Gold
Music Card:
The Eminem Show
By the Way

Video Card:
8 Simpsons episodes

Misc Card:
Super Troopers
2 Simpson episodes

Game Card
Tomak 2
Pinball Dreams
A mario rip of i made
Elite The New Kind
Castaway +28 Games
GPEngine + 21 Games
Little John + 23 Games
Atari 800 emu + 23 roms
SMS32 +7 Games
speccyalK + 7 games
SCUMM emu + 4 games

Im never without entertainment with that lot, i change my misc card round depending on my mood to more music or more movies. and cylcle my simpsons episodes from the entire Season 1&2 collection.
Just some test code i did a while back using ripped sprites from mario 3. He jumps around a static screen, bumping into boxes falling down a hole just some "oh i waana code somthing" bumf.
Music and Video Card

Thrills - So Much For the City
Jeff Buckley - Grace
1 Seinfeld Episode
GPFM + Couple of Books

Games Card

LJ/NesterGP and 20 roms
GPEngine and 10 roms
Castaway and 30 games
SMS32 and 12 roms
gpvgb and 5 roms
Frodo and 20 roms
Pinball Dreams
Ultimate Doom
Indy and the Fate of Atlantis
Day of the Tentacle
Resident Evil 0.1 (just to try it out)

Amazing what you can fit!
Every commercial game available is on my card at the monent, apart from therapy as I havent got around to buyng it yet.

Usually I would have;

The Sonic CD opening
Rock your body by Justin Timberlake Video

PCengine with about 12 roms

SMS32 with about 5 roms

Little john with 2 roms

Resident evil 0.1 (just to show off to people)

GBA emulator with the only rom I can get to work.


I havent played all of them through yet as I got most of them around the same time (apart from the one's from lik-sang)

Top three are probably;

All for princess: Deadline
Tomak, Save the earth again!
Little wizard.

Those are the ones I play the most, but to be honest non of them are particularly spectacular and I'm gonna format my SMC soon and just keep all for princess on. I never play them much as they feel too much like demo's and the language barrier is annoying even on the engrish translated ones.

Oh yeah and GPfight is pretty good but its hard and slow to get into, once I get used to it I would imagine it'll be quite rewarding.
cool post!!!!

I have on my 128 smc:

- FLCL Chapter1

12 SONGS (Pink, incubus, avril Lavigne, o funkillo, beyonce,...)


Pinball dreams
Tomak 2
Little Wizard


Slander #1
GP Viewer (5 illustrations from my website, and 5 photos)
GP Engine (15 roms)
Wonderboi (4 roms)

this week i'll purchase other smc destinated to mp3 and movies
bah, i've been stuck on a 64meg card for the last 2 weeks....I've had to ecomonize but here we go...

FRODO + 20 ROMS, 10 are all-time-Favs the rest I switch around alot.
Castaway + ~15 or so discimages. I really miss not having the space for a bunch of these.
PCEngine + 10 ROMS
4 or 5 of the 15 day comp games, of which the most played is Gloop, damn thats an annoyingly addictive game.
I also have the gameboy / NES / SNES emus installed but no ROMs at present.

The rest is mp3s, notably at the moment, Journey to the centre of the Earth, which despite having a crap story (jmho!), has great 70s sounding keyboards. ;)

Until recently my favorite game on the GP32 was: the 'trying new stuff out' game. I kinda miss it, but have found enough all-time-Favs to keep me well ammused...

I'll bite the bullet and buy a new 128meg SMC soon enough...
Drunken Frogger
Latest GPDoom with Doom1
Resident Evil
Slyro The Radioactive Cat
The tunnel game thing from the 15 day compo
gpSCUMM with Day Of The Tentacle
LittleJohnGP with 32 ROMs
GPEngine with 5 ROMs
GPVGB with 10 roms
Moviepark with Invader Zim episode Tak: The Hideous New Girl
MP3s: "I Need Love" from Silent Hill 3 and this
My GP is out in the car and I'm too damn lazy to go get it so this is from memory.

SMS32 ~ 150 roms
NesterGP & LJGP ~ 100 roms
Doom 1 & 2
GPEngine ~ 30 roms
Slander 1
Little Wizards
a bunch of jpegs from the childrens book I'm writing ;)

6 eps of the new Heman series :rolleyes:
a bunch of old video game commercials I encoded for gp32world
CaSTaway and a handful of disk images, just to try it out.