Whats In The Box For Those Who Purchased From Gbax


Nov 12, 2005
Bum town
Visit site
Hi guys.
Does anyone know what is in the GP2X box for us Gbax users. On the site it says preorders get a free case and headphones. Also a CD.
Can someone confirm this?

Amen to that! \m/

Amen the band would be pretty cool to have on the CD come to think of it...

Or maybe a short documentary "behind the scenes at GBAX" I can see big things for you craigix! B)
Well, any software that will be on the CD will surely also be downloadable at the archive, so I wouldn't care too much ;)
Hobo said:
On the site it says preorders get a free case and headphones. Also a CD.

Only while stocks last, and they probably ran out quite a while ago.
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Because craigix is busy testing all the units so he can send them out asap because people have been threatening to cancel their pre-orders and spreading so many unfounded rumours about bugs which probably don't even exist.

Give the man a break. He's put so much time and effort into the whole thing, leave him alone.

Edit: as for the CD, since the only things released ATM are the SNES emulator alpha and Quake 1 and 2 ports, I doubt craigix will be burning off x hundred (thousand?) CDs with < 10mb of stuff on them.
Skitzo said:
Edit: as for the CD, since the only things released ATM are the SNES emulator alpha and Quake 1 and 2 ports, I doubt craigix will be burning off x hundred (thousand?) CDs with < 10mb of stuff on them.

VERY good point. And all of that software will quickly be obsolete with new versions out to download.
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I don't care how good it is, no pizza oughtta cost that much or take that long to deliver. *laughs* (NO, not complaining about ordering time). I'm sure a pizza with SD cards wouldn't taste too great either.

I dont' really need to get a CD with mine, unless GP32z feels the need to include one. I can always burn anything I download to blanks and paper them up as backups.

Oh, handy tip... If you're burning games that are ports like Doom or Quake or Duke3D to CD as backups for your GP32, don't forget to burn the DATA files you need for each game also, minus the PC versions of the files you wont need.
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I don't care how good it is, no pizza oughtta cost that much or take that long to deliver. *laughs* (NO, not complaining about ordering time). I'm sure a pizza with SD cards wouldn't taste too great either.

I dont' really need to get a CD with mine, unless GP32z feels the need to include one. I can always burn anything I download to blanks and paper them up as backups.

Oh, handy tip... If you're burning games that are ports like Doom or Quake or Duke3D to CD as backups for your GP32, don't forget to burn the DATA files you need for each game also, minus the PC versions of the files you wont need.

I agree completely, the CD isn't really very significant as part of the purchase. There's not much to go on it yet anyway, and anyway within a month or so someone will have collected all the good stuff and uploaded an ISO to P2P networks ;)

Although, I suppose a CD would be the appropriate manner in which to distribute the GPL license, source code and the SDK. :ph34r:

<ducks and runs like a penguin>
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I had two CDs that came with my Palm T3, i don't think I ever took them out of the packet! Just because you can download the latest versions from the internet.

The same with coverdiscs on magazines, back in the day of CU Amiga and Amiga Format they were a godsend but these days they are there just to rip the front of the magazine with super sticky stuff.