Will It *really* Run Linux?


Active Member
Nov 6, 2007
Pandora is supposed to run linux, but I'm wondering if it will *REALLY* run linux and not just a linux core or kernel.

Could I (for instance):

Set the machine to boot to init mode 3 and get a login prompt?
Run command like programs like lynx and ssh? (if they were ported?)
Compile my own programs directly on Pandora using gcc from the console? (if gcc and appropriate libraries were ported?)
SSH into the machine to get a login prompt?
Run X-Windows with startx? (HARD!)
Run an alternate lightweight X-Windows manager? (NOT KDE or GNOME)
Run simple x-windows programs with touchscreen support?

We're all dreaming big right now... I just want to know how big to dream. :)
Many of these things are the same question in disguise. Running stuff from command line, SSHing in are a given. It'll probably use some form of X11 off the bat and if it doesn't someone will port it, which covers all the other things. Even GP2X can do all of this.
atomicthumbs said:

If it uses a Linux kernel, it runs Linux.

You're thinking of the GNU software suite.
OK, maybe I didn't understand the capabilities of the GP2X that well (which Pandora would build on). That's what I get for getting an F200. If I could have ssh'd into that I would have "gotten it" by now.

Thanks for the replies!
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You can SSH into the F200, you just need a cradle (or a usb host interface) and a wifi stick.

If your would be happy with a console prompt instead, you just need the cradle, or a serial interface.
Squidge said:
You can SSH into the F200, you just need a cradle (or a usb host interface) and a wifi stick.

If your would be happy with a console prompt instead, you just need the cradle, or a serial interface.
Can you provide a link that describes the wifi setup? I'm presuming some software would need to be run on the GP2X?

It's a bit fuzzy to me what F100 owners get extra with the cradle that F200 owners don't.... Are the limitations just on the USB port on the side?

Thanks for your time.
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Trevor Bradley said:
Squidge said:
You can SSH into the F200, you just need a cradle (or a usb host interface) and a wifi stick.

If your would be happy with a console prompt instead, you just need the cradle, or a serial interface.
Can you provide a link that describes the wifi setup? I'm presuming some software would need to be run on the GP2X?

http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/WirelessUSBTutorial :)

Trevor Bradley said:
It's a bit fuzzy to me what F100 owners get extra with the cradle that F200 owners don't.... Are the limitations just on the USB port on the side?
F100 owners plug in the USB cable, which puts the GP2X on the 'net. This means they can ssh directly into the gp2x, ftp, samba, etc. No cradle required.
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There's this.

F100 owners with a cradle get nothing extra.

If you haven't got a cradle, the F100 owner can connect to a PC through the USB cable while an F200 owner is stuffed.

Edit: What Squidge said :)
This is probably splitting hairs, but I figure most people telnet into their F100s over USB, rather than SSH.

I doubt there's any benefit to SSH over telnet in this case. If someone somehow intercepts my USB cable to see what I'm testing on my GP2X then I probably have bigger problems to worry about.
Exophase said:
This is probably splitting hairs, but I figure most people telnet into their F100s over USB, rather than SSH.
Yup, I just said SSH as that's what the OP stated.

Exophase said:
If someone somehow intercepts my USB cable to see what I'm testing on my GP2X then I probably have bigger problems to worry about.
Just a bit :D
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Overkill :P

If you just want to see a prompt, get one of the term programs .. ie: Then you can ls around to your hearts content.

Think is saw this in the developement thread, or maybe just scouring opengl.org

It's called myOSX-less is an opengl capable distro that doesnt use x11.
Maybe useful for a console ;)

Would be like with the xbox having a directx that totally bypassed windows and goes straight to the hardware.
Exophase said:
This is probably splitting hairs, but I figure most people telnet into their F100s over USB, rather than SSH.

I doubt there's any benefit to SSH over telnet in this case. If someone somehow intercepts my USB cable to see what I'm testing on my GP2X then I probably have bigger problems to worry about.
trivial but ssh adds a layer of compression so sessions can appear faster and a bit more responsive in low bandwidth situations than telnet besides having no way to transfer a file.
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jlebrech said:
Think is saw this in the developement thread, or maybe just scouring opengl.org

It's called myOSX-less is an opengl capable distro that doesnt use x11.
Maybe useful for a console ;)

Would be like with the xbox having a directx that totally bypassed windows and goes straight to the hardware.
In the end, all it'd take would be for someone to make an "xterm" for that environment and add bash or busybox "sh" support and it'd be something resembling what we're discussing. Now, it remains to be seen if they're going to have the same init structure, use a lightweight X11, things like that, but it wouldn't be hard for them to document what they have done (and if it's going to be "open" and more of a "gaming-centric" UMPC (which is what I'm gathering they're really calling this beast...:D), then you're going to need those details) - once you've done that, and we pick up on any differences from a mainline distro then it'll be pretty much like most other Linuxes... The Nokia N800 has a bunch of deltas from the traditional Linux distro startup that differs from say, Mandriva or Ubuntu, which is due to it's platform design. Once you learn those assumptions and changes, you're in like Flynn.
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