What The Pandora Stands For...


Island Man with Pandora in my pocket
Feb 15, 2003
I have found more reasoning behind my purchase of a Pandora than the features it simply offers. You don't have to agree with me, just let me explain.

My sole purpose for buying this device was to become a part of this community. I can not code. I know nothing about porting. My hardware modding skills are minimal at best. Yet, I have been an end user of every device this community has come together to support since the beginning.

Without going thru the back history, let me say that I have seen this internet message board go from fewer than 50 people to literally thousands. So when I saw a small group of people decide to build a handheld everyone could be proud of, I stopped to take notice. At first I was skeptical. I thought its just another brave attempt at building something that was quick frankly a pipe dream or rather a sad joke.

Now years later, here it is. A device organized and coordinated by 4 main guys (who have other full time jobs and commitments outside of this community) plus a handful of others who devoted hours to designing and tweaking this device, not to mention feedback and months of posting from members just like yourself who put in there 2 cents on everything from the layout of the keyboard to the design of the logo.
So what does this device mean to me?
Freedom..... Commitment.... Desire and Ambition to improve something we all have a passion for.To do something others only dream of. The Pandora proves it doesn't take Apple or Microsoft or Nintendo to create (what I believe is) the next best, most innovative device (I still haven't seen a device yet thats a micro PC with REAL gaming controls!. A community built this device ladies and gentlemen. NOT a billion dollar company who only see $ signs. The purchase of my Pandora means I value what these 4 guys have done and what this community stands for. I would wait another 2 years for this device, regardless of whats under the hood. Why? Because I know once this device is completely out into the wild... the support will be immense. Look at whats out there now, and its only the first few weeks of release.I also know what I did by buying a Pandora is proving all those Naysayers and vermin that infest every community that it can be done! Why should I support Bigger electronic companies?
They only care about the my willingness to shell out hundreds for something they will drop support for in a year or two. Plus they don't care about my feedback or concerns about the device.
So I say to all of you now this Pandora is genuine in form and design. The OP team put their lives and lively-hoods on the line for this huge effort. The least I could do is put some money into a project that screams out "Lets do something different." Lets be free of the contraints and rules that Apple and Microsoft have laid out before us.
Lets be free to build our own rules, create our own device and blaze a new trail.
If I had half the skill and talent the majority of you members have with developing and coding, I'd embrace the Pandora wholly. Alas, the only thing I can do is write this little blurb about beating the odds and triumphing over innumerable obstacles. If I had the Capital, I'd invest more into this company/project because I believe what they and the Pandora stand for, even if perhaps they don't realize it.
I am with you to the end OPT.

Typed all on the Pandora.
Let's pretend for a second that we are all ignorant about the Pandoras origins... we don't know about the community aspect, the grassroots background or the 'made by a few amateurs' factor.

If we focus on the actual object itself - not this community, not the philosphy or the story of personal triumph, not the 'you can run anything you like' on it aspect... just the 'thing itself'.

What do we have left? We have a clamshell computer that has some cool and unique features, but is also very rough around the edges in production values, professionality and durability, and with some design flaws. We have a cool gadget which could be better.

That is all we have. A cool and unique gadget that could be better. I've followed this project since the beginning, and that is all we really have.

Everything else is a bonus.
Aaaaaamen TJFBryant :)
I love what you expressed there!

EDIT:SomeGuy99, so why stop there? You could take out the software from the ecuation too, and take out the user's enjoyment of the device, and take out everything that matters. Leave pure object that means nothing out of context and... you really have nothing! So you said what you think we really have, but that's just not it.
SomeGuy99 said:
Let's pretend for a second that we are all ignorant about the Pandoras origins... we don't know about the community aspect, the grassroots background or the 'made by a few amateurs' factor.

If we focus on the actual object itself - not this community, not the philosphy or the story of personal triumph, not the 'you can run anything you like' on it aspect... just the 'thing itself'.

What do we have left? We have a clamshell computer that has some cool and unique features, but is also very rough around the edges in production values, professionality and durability, and with some design flaws. We have a cool gadget which could be better.

That is all we have. A cool and unique gadget that could be better. I've followed this project since the beginning, and that is all we really have.

Everything else is a bonus.
Sure, I see that point. But I respectfully disagree.
I am not comparing apples to apples here in terms of device quality or capability.
I am simply stating what this device stands for......for me. Frankly, how can anyone remove the FACTS and history of where this device came from.
Many would agree with you Someguy, even I do, to an extent. But sincerely its not the end result I care about but the journey its taken to get here. Plain and simple. I challenge anyone to disagree that the journey isn't as important as the end result. Pandora or otherwise.

This is why I wrote this, to remind those of what it took to get to this point.
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TJFBryant said:
SomeGuy99 said:
Let's pretend for a second that we are all ignorant about the Pandoras origins... we don't know about the community aspect, the grassroots background or the 'made by a few amateurs' factor.

If we focus on the actual object itself - not this community, not the philosphy or the story of personal triumph, not the 'you can run anything you like' on it aspect... just the 'thing itself'.

What do we have left? We have a clamshell computer that has some cool and unique features, but is also very rough around the edges in production values, professionality and durability, and with some design flaws. We have a cool gadget which could be better.

That is all we have. A cool and unique gadget that could be better. I've followed this project since the beginning, and that is all we really have.

Everything else is a bonus.
Sure, I see that point. But I respectfully disagree.
I am not comparing apples to apples here in terms of device quality or capability.
I am simply stating what this device stands for......for me. Frankly, how can anyone remove the FACTS and history of where this device came from.
Many would agree with you Someguy, even I do, to an extent. But sincerely its not the end result I care about but the journey its taken to get here. Plain and simple. I challenge anyone to disagree that the journey isn't as important as the end result. Pandora or otherwise.

This is why I wrote this, to remind those of what it took to get to this point.

The thing is, I actually agree with you said and what I said. They both seem concurrently true to me.

I have a rather odd mind, sorry. :D

Edit: I think I've gone a bit mad in recent years. For some reason, my mind will quite happily accept a total contradiction. It's difficult to explain, but I seem to be under the impression that knowing any kind of truth means accepting two contradictory ideas simultaneously. It really doesn't make sense when I explain it in words, but the contradiction itself feels so much more true than either 'idea' does.

Yes, I've definitely gone mad... :huh:
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SomeGuy99 said:
TJFBryant said:
SomeGuy99 said:
Let's pretend for a second that we are all ignorant about the Pandoras origins... we don't know about the community aspect, the grassroots background or the 'made by a few amateurs' factor.

If we focus on the actual object itself - not this community, not the philosphy or the story of personal triumph, not the 'you can run anything you like' on it aspect... just the 'thing itself'.

What do we have left? We have a clamshell computer that has some cool and unique features, but is also very rough around the edges in production values, professionality and durability, and with some design flaws. We have a cool gadget which could be better.

That is all we have. A cool and unique gadget that could be better. I've followed this project since the beginning, and that is all we really have.

Everything else is a bonus.
Sure, I see that point. But I respectfully disagree.
I am not comparing apples to apples here in terms of device quality or capability.
I am simply stating what this device stands for......for me. Frankly, how can anyone remove the FACTS and history of where this device came from.
Many would agree with you Someguy, even I do, to an extent. But sincerely its not the end result I care about but the journey its taken to get here. Plain and simple. I challenge anyone to disagree that the journey isn't as important as the end result. Pandora or otherwise.

This is why I wrote this, to remind those of what it took to get to this point.

The thing is, I actually agree with you said and what I said. They both seem concurrently true to me.

I have a rather odd mind, sorry. :D
Don't apologize. I see your point. We both see each others views. I believe as end users we have a vested interest in seeing this "journey" through to the end. IF for the only reason of supporting a device that we can help to expand its user base. I've been promoting this project to all I encounter who is genuinely interested in this kind of tech and despite all of its early flaws and bugs, I still get "wows" and "where I can get one." and generally these people are not the general consumers. I've done numerous demos. They all see the small issues here and there. They've even tried the device....and yet they still want the device, flaws and all. There is expressed interest, especially to those who are in this electronics industry. As long as I still get the "Wows", I will still promote the story behind it.
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[quote name='TJFBryant' date='08 July 2010 - 02:49 AM' timestamp='1278557397' ]
Don't apologize. I see your point. We both see each others views. I believe as end users we have a vested interest in seeing this "journey" through to the end. IF for the only reason of supporting a device that we can help to expand its user base. I've been promoting this project to all I encounter who is genuinely interested in this kind of tech and despite all of its early flaws and bugs, I still get "wows" and "where I can get one." and generally these people are not the general consumers. I've done numerous demos. They all see the small issues here and there. They've even tried the device....and yet they still want the device, flaws and all. There is expressed interest, especially to those who are in this electronics industry. As long as I still get the "Wows", I will still promote the story behind it.

Yes, but as I explained, I hold both your view and the view I expressed. They are both true to me.

I had a similar experience, in that people who have tried mine seem very thrilled with the Pandora. I guess having the thing break and fall apart (in three different ways) and having to wait what seems like forever (again) to get a replacement has an effect on a person. <_<
SomeGuy99 said:
[quote name='TJFBryant' date='08 July 2010 - 02:49 AM' timestamp='1278557397' ]
Don't apologize. I see your point. We both see each others views. I believe as end users we have a vested interest in seeing this "journey" through to the end. IF for the only reason of supporting a device that we can help to expand its user base. I've been promoting this project to all I encounter who is genuinely interested in this kind of tech and despite all of its early flaws and bugs, I still get "wows" and "where I can get one." and generally these people are not the general consumers. I've done numerous demos. They all see the small issues here and there. They've even tried the device....and yet they still want the device, flaws and all. There is expressed interest, especially to those who are in this electronics industry. As long as I still get the "Wows", I will still promote the story behind it.

Yes, but as I explained, I hold both your view and the view I expressed. They are both true to me.

I had a similar experience, in that people who have tried mine seem very thrilled with the Pandora. I guess having the thing break and fall apart (in three different ways) and having to wait what seems like forever (again) to get a replacement has an effect on a person. <_<
Sounds like you need an IPAD to hold you over until then....lol
Cheers friend... I feel your pain.
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TJFBryant said:
Sounds like you need an IPAD to hold you over until then....lol
Cheers friend... I feel your pain.

Well I loaned my Ipod Touch out for the summer to a friend.

Mind you, I ended up rediscovering my PSP, which was going very neglected. I'm stressed out about the Pandora, only because the replacement is quite typically late in arriving (basing this on other reports). I have no idea when the thing will turn up you see... probably in two weeks.

It's alright guys! We can say Two Months till our lungs collapse; Gruso is on leave!
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TJFBryant said:
Words in the first post ~

I totally agree with you. I have been with this project and gone through both the turmoils and the awesome times, even if I wasn't posting to show it. I do however still feel that the extent of my interest in this device is not just in it's capabilities, but in the community that made it, and all of the things it's gone though to finally get the finished product. The Pandora, to me, has meaning, and by purchasing the Pandora I feel like I'm supporting: Community, Freedom, Strength, etc, I could go on.

But of course, I'm buying the Pandora to play games on too. :p
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SomeGuy99 said:
Edit: I think I've gone a bit mad in recent years. For some reason, my mind will quite happily accept a total contradiction. It's difficult to explain, but I seem to be under the impression that knowing any kind of truth means accepting two contradictory ideas simultaneously. It really doesn't make sense when I explain it in words, but the contradiction itself feels so much more true than either 'idea' does.


That really feels so familiar, it's amazing. I always find myself in the need to play Devil's advocate in conversations, because I somehow feel that no point of view is ultimately true, although there is some of the truth on every point and and by exposing other sides we can come closer to some kind of "truther" truth. So thanks for your editing. I now feel more in harmony with the universe :D
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joseluisjazz said:
SomeGuy99 said:
Edit: I think I've gone a bit mad in recent years. For some reason, my mind will quite happily accept a total contradiction. It's difficult to explain, but I seem to be under the impression that knowing any kind of truth means accepting two contradictory ideas simultaneously. It really doesn't make sense when I explain it in words, but the contradiction itself feels so much more true than either 'idea' does.


That really feels so familiar, it's amazing. I always find myself in the need to play Devil's advocate in conversations, because I somehow feel that no point of view is ultimately true, although there is some of the truth on every point and and by exposing other sides we can come closer to some kind of "truther" truth. So thanks for your editing. I now feel more in harmony with the universe :D

Cool! Someone to talk to after my next mental breakdown! B)
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Well, i agree with the OP. Although i have recieved mine by now (YAY!) i would have happily waited (well sort of) a bit longer for it.

Before i joined this community i had never done anything serious with linux, and hardly had any programming experience (unless you count a dutch-english word learning program i made in 1990 on the atari st in basic)
Now, i made 4 minigames for PandoraPanic (that is downloaded more times than the number of Pandora devices that actually exist, which is pretty cool) and have cross compiled a whole new game, Panjoust, on linux and windows, for an arm linux device (Shameless advertising: PND demo of that on the archive, already about 1 hour now ; )

So yeah, the ride itself for me has been worth at least as much as the reward in the end :)

TJFBryant said:
SomeGuy99 said:
TJFBryant said:
SomeGuy99 said:
Let's pretend for a second that we are all ignorant about the Pandoras origins... we don't know about the community aspect, the grassroots background or the 'made by a few amateurs' factor.

If we focus on the actual object itself - not this community, not the philosphy or the story of personal triumph, not the 'you can run anything you like' on it aspect... just the 'thing itself'.

What do we have left? We have a clamshell computer that has some cool and unique features, but is also very rough around the edges in production values, professionality and durability, and with some design flaws. We have a cool gadget which could be better.

That is all we have. A cool and unique gadget that could be better. I've followed this project since the beginning, and that is all we really have.

Everything else is a bonus.
Sure, I see that point. But I respectfully disagree.
I am not comparing apples to apples here in terms of device quality or capability.
I am simply stating what this device stands for......for me. Frankly, how can anyone remove the FACTS and history of where this device came from.
Many would agree with you Someguy, even I do, to an extent. But sincerely its not the end result I care about but the journey its taken to get here. Plain and simple. I challenge anyone to disagree that the journey isn't as important as the end result. Pandora or otherwise.

This is why I wrote this, to remind those of what it took to get to this point.

The thing is, I actually agree with you said and what I said. They both seem concurrently true to me.

I have a rather odd mind, sorry. :D
Don't apologize. I see your point. We both see each others views. I believe as end users we have a vested interest in seeing this "journey" through to the end. IF for the only reason of supporting a device that we can help to expand its user base. I've been promoting this project to all I encounter who is genuinely interested in this kind of tech and despite all of its early flaws and bugs, I still get "wows" and "where I can get one." and generally these people are not the general consumers. I've done numerous demos. They all see the small issues here and there. They've even tried the device....and yet they still want the device, flaws and all. There is expressed interest, especially to those who are in this electronics industry. As long as I still get the "Wows", I will still promote the story behind it.

OK, sorry to be piling on the quotes so thickly... I just can't help it, this is all GOLD! :D

SomeGuy99 said:
joseluisjazz said:
SomeGuy99 said:
Edit: I think I've gone a bit mad in recent years. For some reason, my mind will quite happily accept a total contradiction. It's difficult to explain, but I seem to be under the impression that knowing any kind of truth means accepting two contradictory ideas simultaneously. It really doesn't make sense when I explain it in words, but the contradiction itself feels so much more true than either 'idea' does.


That really feels so familiar, it's amazing. I always find myself in the need to play Devil's advocate in conversations, because I somehow feel that no point of view is ultimately true, although there is some of the truth on every point and and by exposing other sides we can come closer to some kind of "truther" truth. So thanks for your editing. I now feel more in harmony with the universe :D

Cool! Someone to talk to after my next mental breakdown! B)

OMG I love you three so much right now! Lets all be friends who can see more than one side of an argument together and continue to have wonderful debates in which nobody gets butthurt and upset and we can all respectfully agree to disagree even tho we actually agree!

YYYYAAAAAAAAAYY!!!! :lol: :p :lol: :pandora2ut4: ;)

Sorry it's just too hard to contain myself... and I mean that. I'm not kidding here, I'm sending you all friend invites right after I click "Add Reply"

SomeGuy99... often times you say things that infuriate me so much I can just TELL you're exactly like me =)

It seem that yourself, joseluisjazz, and I suffer from the same madness... good to know we can all go mad together. We should start a club or a support group or something.
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^ I think you should get your own gp32x Mad Group stickers, to warn others.
SomeGuy99 said:
joseluisjazz said:
SomeGuy99 said:
Edit: I think I've gone a bit mad in recent years. For some reason, my mind will quite happily accept a total contradiction. It's difficult to explain, but I seem to be under the impression that knowing any kind of truth means accepting two contradictory ideas simultaneously. It really doesn't make sense when I explain it in words, but the contradiction itself feels so much more true than either 'idea' does.

That really feels so familiar, it's amazing. I always find myself in the need to play Devil's advocate in conversations, because I somehow feel that no point of view is ultimately true, although there is some of the truth on every point and and by exposing other sides we can come closer to some kind of "truther" truth. So thanks for your editing. I now feel more in harmony with the universe :D
Cool! Someone to talk to after my next mental breakdown! B)

You two should look into Dialetheism, the philosophical view that logical contradictions are possible, and exist IRL. Although I must admit despite doing a Logic major at university, it sounds like a load of rubbish to me.

EDIT: I realise that wasn't really what you were getting at, I thought I'd just point out that there are people who seriously push that view, and they are considered some of the most intelligent and sane people of our time.
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vadsamoht said:
SomeGuy99 said:
joseluisjazz said:
SomeGuy99 said:
Edit: I think I've gone a bit mad in recent years. For some reason, my mind will quite happily accept a total contradiction. It's difficult to explain, but I seem to be under the impression that knowing any kind of truth means accepting two contradictory ideas simultaneously. It really doesn't make sense when I explain it in words, but the contradiction itself feels so much more true than either 'idea' does.

That really feels so familiar, it's amazing. I always find myself in the need to play Devil's advocate in conversations, because I somehow feel that no point of view is ultimately true, although there is some of the truth on every point and and by exposing other sides we can come closer to some kind of "truther" truth. So thanks for your editing. I now feel more in harmony with the universe :D
Cool! Someone to talk to after my next mental breakdown! B)

You two should look into Dialetheism, the philosophical view that logical contradictions are possible, and exist IRL. Although I must admit despite doing a Logic major at university, it sounds like a load of rubbish to me.

EDIT: I realise that wasn't really what you were getting at, I thought I'd just point out that there are people who seriously push that view, and they are considered some of the most intelligent and sane people of our time.

As somebody who briefly studied Philosophy at University... this is not a 'school of thought' for me. It's more like a mental illness, or a style of perception. If anything, it's the opposite of analysis... it's letting go and allowing ideas themselves to assert on you. Something like that.


Everyone is unique. We are all the same. <- It sounds contradictory, but both are 100% true, at least to me. You can break down the statements if you like, and see that there is more to it... but they still seem contradictory.
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Meh. Dialectic Materialism is for the birds. Not all things are logical, or if they were, we'd be only half as interested in the universe as we are.
SomeGuy99 said:
Everyone is unique. We are all the same. <- It sounds contradictory, but both are 100% true, at least to me. You can break down the statements if you like, and see that there is more to it... but they still seem contradictory.
You just describe shortcomings of communication, that's all.
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