What The Heck To I Do, I Bought The Old Gp32 Like A Moron, Or: My 210

I just pulled a moron move, i didn't space free and then launcher!
thats good, i think im gonna sue my elementary schools... ;) just kidding.

thanks a ton and a half.

between the gp32 people here, the devrs i know, and the dreamcast scene you guys have truly, made my game.

thank you homebrewists, hackers, hobbyists, enthusiasts and all of ya, as well as the einsteins who know how to (unlike me ;) ) space 2 words.
may i ask where do i pout the file on the smc card??

the instructs for 1 of em says to "hook p the gp32... then...", but i have only the cardreader, as the hookup between the pc anbd the gp is not ok. lest i would have been using the usb hookup b4.

thanks in advance.
TIP: as soon as you get the free launcher to work and your confident...

flash the firmware to european

Nono, flash the firmware to Slubman's.

Also, I think you made a great buy! I like my GP32 a lot more than the GP2X. I bet you will be really pleased with all the soft on it, plus there's life in the old dog still, thanks to Thor, Slaanesh and Vobbo.