GP32 What The Gp32 Needs...

How could you play Angband without a chatboard/keyboard ???
There is a GPRogue, when I asked about it last September, I got this:


I really don't know if I will finish my GPRogue : I would like to, but I
don't have enough time.

I send you a copy of it, but it's not playable because :
- it's the very beginning, so you only can travel in rooms and kill only one
type of monster (they won't follow you)
- when compiled with GCC they are some odd bugs : some blocks are not where
expected (but when compiled with WinSDK for amateur it's perfect... why ?)


PS : I don't remember interface keys, so look at the code or try every

He also sent the source, although I haven't done anything with it.
There is an Atari ST version as well, but apparently iy's the worst of the lot.

Oh, and looky here, even an ST Rogue II.

btw, thanks for the link to Rich's page, woogal -- hadn't seen those before!
A port of Rogue/Angband!

Worth getting a chatboard for :)

Hear, hear! Angband forever!

A Puzzle Bobble game would be cool too... of course, you can get it on a NES emu, but it'd be nice to see one with the enhanced graphics and features that only the GP32 could offer.

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The GP32 needs a TV-out connector!!

*mine* doesn't... *mine* has a screen built-in! :D *proud*

i agree that it would be cool to have one of these types of games running well... there's also a version for the amstrad cpc, but it didn't get a good review...
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Gp32 is probably ok the way it is cause it's far better then the rest of the stuff out there mostly.

Plus the batt life is far stronger as long as you're not dumb enough to play movies our music files on it all the time it can last up to 3-4 months.

one good thing to have is the abilty to change the background/forground/icons and stuff.
It needs to be a dishwasher/vacuumcleaner/kittylitterbinchanger/clotheswasher/dryer/windowwasher as well...
Although if it would, I'd probably need to buy another GP32 to play with while it's doing all that stuff...