What software/emulators are in development for the Pyra?

Maybe a corollary question: What games/apps/etc that were compiled/ported to or specifically made for the Pandora that are NOT present in the Debian repository do we 'need' for the Pyra?

Super Geometry Dust
Pyra optimized DosBox
Pyra optimized DosBox with simplified Exagear incorporation
Vultures Eye (OK, so I'm probably the only one who still plays this.)
Audacious optimized to the Pyra's DSP
Pyra phone module software & interface - not sure what even exists in the repo for this.
@Grench what does Exagear and DOSBox have anything to do with each other?

And running x86 DOSBOX within exagear would most likely be very inefficient.
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But there are *MANY* games!

Mini Slug Project
The Babylon Project
Wing Commander Saga
Call to Power 2

... many more ...
Maybe a corollary question: What games/apps/etc that were compiled/ported to or specifically made for the Pandora that are NOT present in the Debian repository do we 'need' for the Pyra?

IMO any emulator is going to be kind of a pain to use without a good gamepad-centric UI that's optimized for Pyra's screen layout/resolution. Especially if it involves pulling out the stylus to address little widgets on windows. This was actually a problem with some emulators on Pandora well after release; not sure how much this is still an issue.

RetroArch covers a number of emulators under such a UI, but it's one a lot of people seem to dislike.

A universal front-end can be used to select ROMs in a friendly way, but probably not to do much to configure the emulators. Especially not while they're running.
Proper setting dialogs for everything Pyra-specific.
Although I gotta admit that the current state is just some kind of proof of concept. My plan is to wait and see what the Pyra will even give me to work with, since a lot of things may still change and I don't want to pin the OS-devs down to finalize anything yet (ED mentioned that the whole Nub configuration concept may change, so there's that).

So that's to expected after release. I'll try to hurry though when the time has come.

Please, please, please make it so we can run it (or have it fly out) from a menu rather than plastered to the bloody taskbar.

Every time I reflash my Pandora I have to spend bloody ages working through the configuration options to turn that fucking thing off (because you can't just delete it like most of the other icons, oh hell no, that would be too easy!), and then I have to reboot to get rid of it. Every. Damned. Time. It's not as if there's that much room on the Pandora's task bar to start with, but no, we have to have that bloody icon permanently attached. Who the hell decided it was a good idea to install it by default?

So please, make it less intrusive.

Edit: Looks like you're hoping to make a suite of preferences editors and have them open from the menu. Good man.

I'm hoping that with hardware buttons to turn wifi etc. on and off, there's less need for the pandora config applet. The few things remaining could happily live in the settings folder for me.

... many more ...

How could I have forgotten Cannonball?!?

Of course there are many games that *require* porting (damnit!), but perhaps us mentioning our favourites can give devs a hint as to what to work on first.
I'm hoping for a decent build of Lazarus/FPC (which is a pain in the arse to get running on any distro if you're interested in the latest versions) so that I can port my stuff to it. Things like FMN and SoC will be a given.

Not a great deal to see, I've not even touched it recently.

RetroArch covers a number of emulators under such a UI, but it's one a lot of people seem to dislike.
One of the gripes I had with retroarch is that however I configured the input in the UI, each emulator would have their own set, and I could never figure out how to fix them all. So I just went back to using seperate emulators.

Please, please, please make it so we can run it (or have it fly out) from a menu rather than plastered to the bloody taskbar.
I agree, but make that taskbar tool optional too, I like mounting my cards as mass storage from there
To have a dbp of it on SDCard instead of taking space on the internal space.
Even if ED decides that a smaller size (<8GB) for the internal memory module is enough, why give up the comfort of having an supported package from the official debian repo? No offense in hdonks direction (I was very thankful for his work), but as it occured to me it was quite a hassle for him to be somewhat up to date (and getting the whole thing to work, in the first place).
I can see the need for having software as dpbs where alterations for the special environment, the Pyra offers, are sensible. But otherwise its just a waste of resources (imho).

I personally hope for running games created with "Game Maker Studio" (just for AM2R), while there is no ARM port available I am crossing my fingers for getting it to work via exagear