What Should I Have On My Memory Card To Load The Roms?


Still Fresh
Ok so I insert my sd card into my reader/writer and it is blank. What folders do I need to put so it loads the roms and do the emulators and roms need to be zipped or extracted? And what about movie files?
Look its not hard...

Create folder on SD card called ROMS, next create one called emulators.

Next put an emulator in its own folder under 'emulators' (or read readme for install instructions).

Next put roms for said emulator into theri own folder call (what ever the roms are for example PCE) and put this in the ROMS folder

Check read me file for emulator incase you have to edit an ini file to point the emulator at a rom.

Start Gp2x go to game, emulator, then run emulator

If this not work goto ebay and type "gp2x for sale"
when i click on game, nothing comes up. i have an emulator folder with squidgesnes and the roms in the next folder
starters guide

And here is more info on how to do stuff in general for the gp2x. It's the wiki, you can get lots of information about the programs and so on in there:
GP2X Wiki

If you are a newbie, try to work some stuff out for yourself, experiment and just try. It will help you learn the systems possibilities aswell as it's usage and help you later on. If you are a troll: Fuck off and get a life. Hopefully you are just a noob though.
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I am not a troll, I only knew how to do the psp one bc of a friend. I am not a techie or anything with computers but I usually know what to do. For some reason this system is giving me headaches. I read the userguide, I went to wiki, I have two folders; one with roms and one with emulators, I have the roms both zipped and unzipped, the emus unzipped, and I have some install libs folder in there too. I click on game on my system, then sd card, but nothing comes up
nywriter21, go to my Computer and right click on the removable disk icon and select format (***Remeber when you format the card that you are going to loose all the data that you put on that card***).
The folders you mentioned, could have been created on the SD card by some other device, that you used the SD card in before like a digital camera,mp3 player etc.

Then when you have an empty SD card, start putting on the files/games/apps you would like. For installation procedures of specific software, it is better to read the readme.txt which comes inside the zip of many of the applications.

You can use a card reader to put software on the SD card, and then insert it into the GP2X. Infact thats how I have to work, because windows is not recognizing my gp2x :(.

If you might need any help just post in these forums, don`t let certain people intimidate you. Lots of people are friendly on these forums, but as usually happens there are also those who just try to make you more hurdles than help you. :).
nywriter21 posted on Aug 9 2006 at 12:46 PM said:
I am using a 12 in 1 memory card reader/writer

I meant do you put it in the GP2X when you play. It's not just sitting there in the card reader, right?
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nywriter21, it would help if you described exactly WHICH emulators you are trying to run, and list your directory structure.