What RIOT games lost your vote, and why?

Blue Protoman

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
Title. I'll start.

First off, I voted for (from first to fourth) Shootet, Paper Wars, Puzzletube, and Prometheon.

PirateBaby lost my vote because I'm not a fan of virtual pets. Also, there didn't seem to be enough to do, and in a virtual pet game, that is a real dealbreaker.

Schizophrenia initially had mine (I forget what place), but Paper Wars swayed my vote and took its place. And I haven't played Schizophrenia as much, so...

Skylark lost mine because of improper controls. I was hesitant to try it because it wasn't PND'd. I went ahead, but the controls were not properly configured for the Pandora. Sorry, better luck next time!

GigaSunJet never booted. I did not think of reporting it, for some reason. Sorry!

Panta Vs. Dragon just didn't click with me. I didn't find the gameplay interesting enough to give it more than one shot. Maybe I wasn't fair enough on it, but oh well.

Geek 'em Up did not run through Ginge.

Adamant Armor Affection Adventure uses OpenGL ES, which Ginge does not support, so I didn't even bother.

Rainy Day was promising, but (understandably) just didn't have enough substance. No offense, but as it's been released thus far, I don't think it deserved its position. Definitely gonna give it another shot as it progresses, though.

So why didn't you vote for certain games? Or if you didn't vote, why wouldn't you have? Let's hear some complaints here.
I really, really enjoyed GigaSun Jet but because it wasn't in a PND I refused to vote for it.

I voted for Shootet, Rainy Day, Paper Wars and Puzzle Tube.

I never tried any non-Pandora games because I honestly didn't even think to try Ginge!

I didn't spend much time trying to play the two Pandora games that weren't PND'd but they didn't work when I did.

Prometheon irritated me with the massive walls of text to read before you could do anything, and then interrupting gameplay every 2 seconds to read something else!

Schizophrenia I just couldn't work out what the hell to do.

Panta vs Dragon, PirateBaby and SkyLark I didn't play because to be honest I don't care for their game types!

I think a big issue many of the games had was a lack of instruction (ironic, since I criticized Prometheon for too much of it!)
The text is a bit excessive initially in Prometheon, but after a bit you get into some plain ol' action fare. My gripe is more about the framerate than the text. The graphics don't even appear to do anything that fancy (except for some damn good shadow effects).
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Text is in too small in Prometheon. Hard to read, deleted :-)

Actually I have no time to try more than a few minutes of a few games so I not vote at all.
Skylark and Prometheon both had a nice amount of content, but the missed out on the playability front by giving the player too much (prometheon) or too little (skylark) to work with. Skylark's collision detection was a bit funky as well (especially in corner cases and enemy hitboxes). Prometheon could do a little more story exposition through gameplay or optional data terminals rather than trying to drown the player in text :P .

GigaSun Jet didn't work very well. Apparently it was some bug regarding pandora's controls, but couldn't play, couldn't vote.

Monkey game lost my vote because of the collision detection bugs.

Geek'em up and Daff's adventure crashed.

Piratebaby isn't really my kind of game :P

Puzzletube was in my top-5 for excellent execution. Was dropped mainly because I happened to have more fun with the other four :)

Rainy Day lacked content.
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This was my top 4:

1) Prometheon - Very nice presentation but lots of text...

2) Schizophrenia - Cool gameplay mechanics, nice pixelart graphics too (good job foxblock ;) ) controls where a bit difficult at the beginning but I'm sure I can get used to them :)

3) Puzzletube - Simple but nice graphics and presentation, really fun to play! Only thing I didn't like was the sudden game end (no indication that time is running out and no ending jingle or something)...

4) PaperWars - Really nice and smooth 3D graphics (style) but no sound and a bit confusing, didn't know what to do in the beginning, I figured it out with trial and error :P

Skylark - Good graphics (I want to see more use of the parallax effect :D ), looks promising but I got bored of just walking around and killing enemies. Collision needs some work (but I'm sure you're working on that already :) ) and Hero jumping is way to high and fast in comparison with how slow he walks.

Daff's Adventure 2 - Very simple but still fun, really like the music :D

Geek 'em up - Not bad at all but to difficult for me XD could use some sound effects :)

Unnamed Monkey Game - I Like the "original gameboy"-style graphics, some collision issues and no sound...


By the way, on monday the blog (on riotdigital.com) said we would get a mail "tomorrow", didn't get a mail... Just wondering if anyone else got one or if it's just because they are still discussing stuff?
I think there's some song and dance behind the scenes about Guitars on Fire, so to speak.