The article isn't alreay written, yet you're already writing it off :blink:
you're right, the original machine we have is very old, but that's not to say that I've not seen/played on the backlit version (one of my mates friends has one and it is very impressive.
We originally got our machine from gamepark for the intial review. If anyone wants to send me one of the new ones, then I'm more than happy to get on with the article as soon as possible
Ultimately though, you need to have a bit more faith in us. Just because we don't hang around your boards, or say that we like the Zodiac, doesn't mean that we'll do a halfarsed job on the new system.
kind regards,
The article isn't alreay written, yet you're already writing it off :blink:
you're right, the original machine we have is very old, but that's not to say that I've not seen/played on the backlit version (one of my mates friends has one and it is very impressive.
We originally got our machine from gamepark for the intial review. If anyone wants to send me one of the new ones, then I'm more than happy to get on with the article as soon as possible
Ultimately though, you need to have a bit more faith in us. Just because we don't hang around your boards, or say that we like the Zodiac, doesn't mean that we'll do a halfarsed job on the new system.
kind regards,
You bought the Zodiac. If you could afford a Zodiac you certainly can buy a GP32 BLU I would think, as they are cheaper. If you need to wait for one of us to send you a BLU then your mag must be real poor, or you just don't like it enough to buy one. I guess we will see.
I didn't buy the Zodiac, it was giving to us (that's what happens we people want you to review their products, they send them to you to review).You bought the Zodiac. If you could afford a Zodiac you certainly can buy a GP32 BLU I would think, as they are cheaper. If you need to wait for one of us to send you a BLU then your mag must be real poor, or you just don't like it enough to buy one. I guess we will see.
Not really, but I did say I'd be happy to answer any feedbackI'm sure comments like yours don't encourage him to use one.
I didn't buy the Zodiac, it was giving to us (that's what happens we people want you to review their products, they send them to you to review).You bought the Zodiac. If you could afford a Zodiac you certainly can buy a GP32 BLU I would think, as they are cheaper. If you need to wait for one of us to send you a BLU then your mag must be real poor, or you just don't like it enough to buy one. I guess we will see.
The retro section of the magazine doesn't have a budget, so I can't buy one using the companies money. Sadly, due to it being Christmas and having a family to support, I can't simply buy a new GP32 just to appease you guys either. I'll have to either save up the cash for it, or hope that GamePark will send me one to try out (it would then obviously be sent back, unless of course they didn't want it).
Not really, but I did say I'd be happy to answer any feedbackI'm sure comments like yours don't encourage him to use one.
Strider, can you not even mention roms that have been released from copyright? If memory serves Gremlin has given permission for their Speccy back catalogue to be used - I think _tyrell_ even supplies most of them with Speccyal K (possibly only the DC version tho').
Yeah I've got to admit there is something materialy (word exsit?) pleasing about reading a mag.Magazines will always be behind in terms of news, but I would far rather read a magazine than an article on the internet.