what makes the gp32 better


Chocobo Tamer
Nov 27, 2003
United States
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i was choosing between gp32, n-gage (i like the design, but dont flame me about) or zodiac. so, whats makes this system better? snes on the go would be awesome, so maybe the gp32. anyways post your thoughts please. :)
High quality Doom
Lots of other emulators.
Good movie player.
Good MP3 player.
Cheaper than the Zodiac and N-Gage (if you think about it)
Loads of already developed software for it. No waiting for months for real software built for it to come out.

Yeah, I would probably still end up buying a zodiac in due time, but I say buy a GP32 now. Then get a Zodiac later if/when you have the money. Really, both are kind of worth it to have. I wouldn't even consider an N-age unless you really needed a cellphone also. But still, I would get a cheap cellphone instead of the N-gage.
(you're loaded w/ questions, aren't you)

well I say if you like the n-gage you should buy that. They need all the help they can get over there!!

Seriously, "what's better" - depends what you want. If you want shitty games/small screen/MP3+phone then go for ngage. If you want movieplaying, PDA functions with potential high-level system emulation for 16-bit systems/MAME etc plus perhaps some PS1ish/PCish games then Zodiac's your system. (of course, it's BRAND NEW right now, I wouldn't buy anything that expensive until you see some worthwhile software actually released for it).

If you want a general mishmash of stuff (some 16-bit games, lots of 8-bit stuff, MP3 and video) plus a fits-and-starts dev scene then go for GP32. This would also be under the "instant gratification" topic as you can get playing tons of games on it as soon as you get it out of the box, there's tons of stuff on the net for it already.

Of course GP32 isn't for everyone, but like I said you can play cool games/apps on it RIGHT NOW plus it costs significantly less than the competition. It also has a lot of "potential" left in it, but we gotta be pretty patient to see where that goes.
Getting my GP32 was a no brainer, tons of games, and other cool stuff, after playing the N-Gage 1 time I knew I would never ever spend the money for it, unless it dropped below $50. (yes I think its that bad and I own over 20 video game consoles so I know my games) The Zodiac looks nice, especially the Zodiac II which i'll probably pick up when the price comes down. Remember, the Game Gear came out with a price tag of $199 when it first came out, so should be a general rule of systems that the price will drop, and probably rapidly.
Heres what I'd do: If I had enough money for GP32 & Zodiac I'd get a GP32, then a Zodiac if some cool software came out for it. If I only had enough money for one, and I could stand waiting, I'd wait. If I had enough money for one and I couldn't stand waiting, I'd get GP32. If I had only enough money for a GP32, and I could stand waiting, I'd wait till I could get a Zodiac, then decide again. If I only had the money for a GP32, and I couldn't stand waiting, I'd get a GP32.

AND finally, the last possibility: If I didn't have enough money for anything, I'd wait until I did ;) :P

(Hmmm, mabye I could make a little program with all those rules in it to help people decide what to get ;) )
LOL rcx! Not much I can say that these guys haven't, but I know it's good to get as many opinions as you can, so let's have a stab at it. We won't even consider the N-joke; this race is clearly between Gamepark and Tapwave.

Zodiac advantages:
Newer technology and better specs.
Cool, slick and slim black design with aluminum casing.
The website and documentation is in English.
PDA functions if you like 'em.
Hundreds (?) of good simple PDA games, homebrew and the like.
Six buttons.
PDA emulators, weak though they are right now. http://www.zophar.net/ppc/palmos.phtml
Full support from Prophet who, truth be told, usually knows better than you and me. http://www.zodiacgamer.com

GP32 advantages:
Established "scene".
Less expensive.
Four buttons. Any purists out there?
Always working, if too sensitive, control pad. ;)
HUGE number of playable emulators and games.
Competitive homebrew scene.
Supporting a company that may actually like fun more than money.
Probably more comfortable than a Zodiac.
Definitely has a flashable bios.

To me, the GP32 comes out on top, but really only time will tell. I haven't seen a battery and backlight comparison, if that's important to you, but it would be interesting. From what I remember, several dedicated and talented authors like rlyeh are putting time into emulators for both handhelds, so I am afraid to make judgement on which one has or will have more support.

I'm staying away from reviewing commercial aspects, as I don't care about the abilities from either system in these regards. New handheld console games are typically overpriced and have better counterparts on larger systems. The best console games are the ones that either look or feel better on a handheld -- games like Tetris, Day of the Tentacle (the pixellation has disappeared!), Pokemon, and countless arcade classics like Asteroids, Qbert, and Space Invaders. I can't imagine Tony Hawk will be more fun or beautiful on the Zodiac, as ports of 3D games (Tomb Raider on N-gage) have so far been watered-down versions of the real thing. Authors need simply to take advantage of handheld abilities, to not view them as crippled Playstations.

Six buttons being better than four is debatable. The best games ever made, with few exceptions such as Zelda: A Link to the Past and Street Fighter 2, require four or fewer buttons. And what doesn't help a console only hurts it. Four buttons opposite the control pad on a Zodiac may be useful as it's a PDA, but the lesson here is buy what you need.

IMHO, add a grain of salt, and all that jazz.