What Kaind Of App Is The Easiest To Port ?

Console app that doesn't make use of any graphics or WinAPI functions (or other OS specific functions).

Does mean you need an BoB and a serial cable to run it though, unless you spend the additional time converting all the console functions to use the LCD and available input methods.
So I need to have a console ( Wiz ) not to have problem testing programs ??

Can't just make a PC console game on 320x240 ??
You can program in your PC using C language + SDL library. You start with a console program and you use the SDL library. You must use only standard C functions, not Windows functions. You can use any C compiler: Dev-C++, Visual C++ or the GP2X SDK. SDL is a graphic library ported in a lot of machines. You can develop and test your game or program in a PC, in a 320x240 window and then you can port it easily to the Wiz.
Thank's and can I use draw function this :


SetPixel(GetDC(hWnd), x, 200, lightblue);

I know it isn't really good for programing in 3D but I'm starting my Deving and I think that would be enougth for me now ..
Orange Pumpkin said:
Thank's and can I use draw function this :


SetPixel(GetDC(hWnd), x, 200, lightblue);
No, because it's a windows call. Your source code shouldn't have a single
#include <windows.h>

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The GP2X, Wiz and Pandora don't have a device context in the same manner as Windows does, so GetDC doesn't exist, and neither does SetPixel unless you write it yourself (or use a library in which someone has written it for you).

Assuming you are going to use SDL, then the equivalent code might look like:

Uint32 *pixmem32;
Uint32 colour;

colour = SDL_MapRGB( screen->format, r, g, b );
pixmem32 = (Uint32*) screen->pixels + y + x;
*pixmem32 = colour;

Where r,g,b are the rgb of the color, and x and y are both offsets (with y suitably multiplied depending on the horizontal resolution).