What is with GP32 Linux ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2003
heard for a long time nothing about it (since this picture of a gp booting it), is it still in development or is it inactive? And who is actually working on it? Is there a webpage or something..
i really want to have linux on the gp32 but for this you also need a keyboard, hope that someone get this also working.

Used to be at empee.daug.net in the Linux project. Unfortunately, since Empee.daug.net blocks all IPs from other countries than the one its based in now (the Netherlands?), you probably won't be able to take a look at it. Sorry.
Yeah, daug.net was attacked by some idiot hacker... and decided to put in place a load of precautions. You might be able to get there if you had a proxy set up in the Netherlands (assuming it is .nl ips that it lets through).

I hear there's a search going on slowly for another host, but no idea when (or if) that'll come through.
I dont understand why some sites block other countires out - thats killing the whole purpose of the internet. I understand that the site was hacked and stuff but theres other ways of preventing people hacking your site - for example use the latest patches and make sure that the security settings are correct.

Oh well, I guess the site will loose out to the other 99.9% of the net users!

Forget about Linux on GP32! I want NetBSD instead. ;)

Either would be awesome, but I'd bet a port of NetBSD to GP32 would be easier. After all, it runs on like 30-some different platforms. ;)