I have a couple electric model universe theory ebooks:
"The Electrical Theory" of the universe - T Simmons Mackintosh
The Plasma Universe - Curt Suplee
For the most part I don't do books but I have been wanting to go on a Warhammer 40k book hunt and see how I can collect. Mainly I am a blog reader and news viewer.
Offtopic: I am creating a book of my own called "Artheria" set 500,000 years in the future on earth on a Pangea Ultimate continent whereas an apocalypse destroyed everything sending humans back to the dark ages once more. The reader is to be fooled into thinking that this is another fantasy adventure book in a magical other universe. Instead the "magic" used in the book would be from artifacts of technology. The book has different Human races from evolution and genetic alterations, Living deities that fall from the heavens (People trapped in space finally making it home), and even a story told from one of the "gods" point of view in a totally different labeled book that appears to be unrelated towards the "Artheria" series. I am currently half way finished with book 1 and have a friend proofreading it.