What Is Good With Gp2x And What Is Bad?


Still Fresh
Aug 1, 2006

Long time ago i did a topic pretty much like this one.
But now i want to know what is good an what is not good with the gp2x.
If it are easy to put in movies, mp3 music, pictures, and if it's easy to play emulators on it?

I don´t now if i going to buy a


This is the good and bad things i noticed.

Nintedo DS

Funny games
Internet Browser
Can show 3D graphic

To Little display
you have to buy a specially expenive memory card
I think it´s hard to play emlulator on it can be broken and so on.


Can play 3D graphic
Big nice screen

Expensive sony memory stick
I think it´s hard to play emlulator on it can be broken and so on.

Can play many games emulator, and things like that.
It's compitable with usally sd cards that is cheap.

Cant show 3D graphic

Mainly i will have this to

1. Play emulators
2. Movies
3. Read Manga
4. Listen to Music

But please help tell me wich you think i will have.

Thank you//Halullu
halullu89 posted on Mar 29 2007 at 11:17 PM said:

Can play many games emulator, and things like that.
It's compitable with usally sd cards that is cheap.

Cant show 3D graphic

Mainly i will have this to

1. Play emulators
2. Movies
3. Read Manga
4. Listen to Music

But please help tell me wich you think i will have.

Thank you//Halullu

I don't know much about the rest, but GP2X emulate many, many systems up to GBA (and perhaps PSX soon? :rolleyes: )
and it CAN do 3D... but it will never have same graphics as the PSP.
At the moment, the best 'tech demos' we have are Payback, Egoboo or Quake :) But it have enough raw power to do 3D stuff. Using it is another problem ;)
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halullu89 posted on Mar 29 2007 at 09:17 PM said:
Mainly i will have this to

1. Play emulators
2. Movies
3. Read Manga
4. Listen to Music

The GP2X is good for emulators, movies and fine reasonable music. Reading Manga is probably ok, depends on the format.
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halullu89 posted on Mar 29 2007 at 09:17 PM said:

Long time ago i did a topic pretty much like this one.
But now i want to know what is good an what is not good with the gp2x.
If it are easy to put in movies, mp3 music, pictures, and if it's easy to play emulators on it?

I don´t now if i going to buy a


Well for emus you can rule out the DS right away. Too little RAM, slow CPU, and the screen is too low res to run emulators without chopping off alot of the screen.

It should be down to PSP or GP2X. The GP2X screen aspect/resolution matches better for emulators, the PSP aspect for movies. Music? I dunno the same?
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DaveC posted on Mar 30 2007 at 09:11 AM said:
It should be down to PSP or GP2X. The GP2X screen matches better for emulators, the PSP for movies. Music? I dunno the same?

I'm not sure if the screen size is good for music on the GP2X. :P


Sorry couldn't resist.

You also mentioned internet browsing on the NDS - Opera for the NDS is excellent!
It's the best internet browser on any handheld device. I would be confident enough to use instead of a PC based browser.

But you've stated that emulators is your number one area so the choice should probably be narrowed down to a PSP or GP2X. It really depends on which systems you're interested in.

Out of the box, the built in video player on the GP2X is better as it supports DivX. Our of the box the PSP supports H.264 and is somewhat less common. You generally need to re-encode video for the PSP which can be painful. But it doesn have a higher res widescreen screen more suitable for video content. Worth considering.
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I was in the same situation and I ended up going with the GP2X at first. When I first got my GP2x I didn't like it that much at first but then it grew on me. Then later the urge to play a fullspeed Playstation and GBA emulator got the best of me and I bought a PSP. However, now it looks like the GP2X will soon have a full speed GBA emulator thanks to zod and exophase. PS1 emulation is never going to be as good as PSP, it might get to a point where some games are playable but it will never surpass the PSP. I will say that I use my PSP a lot more than my GP2X. So if you want to play GBA, SNES, and PS1 games the PSP is better for that. Also I actually like the games for PSP; Metal Gear Solid, Medal of Honor Heroes, Medievil, Daxter, and Ratchet and Clank are pretty fun games imo. By the way memory sticks aren't really that much I got a 2GB High Speed Memory Stick here for $21.88.
wiseguy109 posted on Mar 30 2007 at 04:00 AM said:
So if you want to play SNES, GBA, and PS1 games the PSP is better for that.

I don't know about SNES these days, it is emulated pretty well in DrPocketSNES on the GP2X and it looks sharper and has no ghosting.

PSX, yes that will always be best on PSP.
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DaveC posted on Mar 30 2007 at 04:05 AM said:
wiseguy109 posted on Mar 30 2007 at 04:00 AM said:
So if you want to play SNES, GBA, and PS1 games the PSP is better for that.

I don't know about SNES these days, it is emulated pretty well in DrPocketSNES on the GP2X and it looks sharper and has no ghosting.

PSX, yes that will always be best on PSP.

I've heard about the ghosting problem but I've never had a problem with it, not that I've noticed at least.
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wiseguy109 posted on Mar 29 2007 at 08:08 PM said:
I've heard about the ghosting problem but I've never had a problem with it, not that I've noticed at least.
I've seen about a ghosting problem, so I didn't buy one.
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DaveC posted on Mar 30 2007 at 05:05 AM said:
I don't know about SNES these days, it is emulated pretty well in DrPocketSNES on the GP2X and it looks sharper and has no ghosting.
If you use both PocketSNES and SquidgeSNES, the emulation is *much* better on the GP2X. I've tried the SNES emulator on a friend's PSP and although it was often fairly fast (no faster than on the GP2X) there were lots of compatibility problems.

I have noticed the 'ghosting', but it isn't anywhere nearly as bad as many people take out (i.e. you don't get a 'blurry mess' halfway across the screen). You do get trails, though the most I've seen them get to is about 3mm, possible 4 sometimes. It doesn't look too nice for fast moving things, but it's tolerable.
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Orkie posted on Mar 30 2007 at 05:29 PM said:
It doesn't look too nice for fast moving things, but it's tolerable.

Not for DaveC
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I noticed some ghosting on my NDS Lite last night - reds turned to dark brown. I'm going to test the same GBA game on my GP2X and see if it performs better.
Cruel posted on Mar 30 2007 at 11:48 AM said:
Only battery time is bad. Its just not enough for all good things you`ll find here... i`m getting 3,5-4 hours and want MOOORE....

That is my only problem right now with the GP2X, though if I buy 8 more rechargable batterys it should fix the problem.
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have a look on youtube, alot of people have posted emulation videos of PSPs and DSs and GP2Xs on there

there is one that's actually a really good comparison, it runs the same snes rom on the three consoles side by side

i think after seeing the games actually running, you'll decide like i did that PSP may be slightly faster, but it's also alot less accurate

read one of those threads i posted before, it's a comparison by a guy who actually owns both a PSP and GP2X, and the 2X comes out as the winner by far, in everything except N64 and PSX emulation (both suck at PCE, GP2X wins at everything else)

as i was told in my thread: "buy it, you won't be dissatisfied", and that has been very very correct

gp2x rules!
ste_167 posted on Mar 30 2007 at 04:13 PM said:
I noticed some ghosting on my NDS Lite last night - reds turned to dark brown. I'm going to test the same GBA game on my GP2X and see if it performs better.

Yeah the lite does have a bit of ghosting too, Not quite as bad as it is on the PSP though.
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